Home Cover Story New Year Greetings 2022 | Rony Riad Rashid | Hello 22

New Year Greetings 2022 | Rony Riad Rashid | Hello 22

Rony Riad Rashid - The InCAP
Rony Riad Rashid, Managing Director & CEO - RCUBE Technologies Limited

If we look at the year in review, 2021, in perspective was about sustainability and survival. The continued effects of the global pandemic on mankind are leaving behind deep scars which may take decades to recover from. COVID continues to claim lives, and it would be fair to say, a whole lot of our livelihood.

Businesswise, we have witnessed large corporate giants to fall. It is hard to consume that that enterprises like JC Penny and Virgin Atlantic had to shut down operations completely as a consequence of the Global Pandemic. At home, more than a billion dollars worth of orders has been canceled in the Garment industry alone. SME’s and retail businesses cross-industry have suffered irreparable damages. Low or non-existent consumer demand, reduced spending, and stay-at-home orders crushed many businesses.

Amidst the persistent morose scenario all around, the world also witnessed great leadership and dedication for the cause of humanity. In the medical profession, real Heroes emerged in white cloaks and helped us heal at the cost of their own lives being at stake. The world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. 

In these frustrating times, only a handful journalism houses offered solace. Over and over, we were gulped and swallowed by the never-ending pain of hopelessness. As a reader, I want to thank The InCAP magazine for continually giving us motivation through reflecting positivity and possibilities in their publication. It is easy to see that the attitude of journalism in The InCAP is to bring hope. The organization is structured, diverse, and mature in its publications, being careful not to sway the mindset towards the negative.

Throughout the year, The InCAP has hosted business professionals who have highlighted problems yet advised on tangible solutions. I read about local and global impact and solutions from experts and specialists in their respective fields. I will hope that The InCAP continues to inspire us in the forthcoming days as they have been; through meaningful, relatable, and solution-oriented articles in the business spectrum.

I want to dedicate this writing to all the men and women of the medical profession, the Armed Forces, and all front-line workers who have been dedicatedly striving to help us live. It is said that every dark cloud has a silver lining, and this dark cloud too shall pass. I believe firmly in my heart that We Shall Overcome!

My Very Best wishes to The InCAP team and to the readers for the New Year 2022.

Rony Riad Rashid
Managing Director & CEO
RCUBE Technologies Limited


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