Hasan Ruhan Rabbi
Marshall Islands Nautical Inspector
International Registries, Inc
Meet Hasan Ruhan Rabbi, a distinguished Nautical Inspector at International Registries, Inc., based in the Marshall Islands. With a wealth of experience in maritime regulations and vessel inspections, Rabbi ensures the highest standards of safety and compliance in the maritime industry. His expertise and commitment to excellence set him apart as a leader in maritime inspection and governance.
Let’s learn about his journey.
Mr Hasan Ruhan Rabbi, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!
It is a pleasure from my end to share my story on your platform. From the very beginning of my academic life, I always wanted to engage myself in a challenging sector. It’s one of the reasons I pursued my bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). After completion of my graduation, I have been trying to engage myself in the Naval Architecture sector. I never wanted for myself to be in the conventional engineering sector, rather I always opted for a challenging role.
I started my career from Chittagong, Bangladesh as an Assistant Manager (Naval Architect) in the Salvage Section. Over the years I gained experience in my professional field and raised to the position of a Nautical Inspector for Liberia Register, Marshall Islands and some other flags. In addition, I also work with CHM Global LLC as a Senior Surveyor where I carry out multiple surveys i.e. P&I Surveys, H&M Surveys, Insurance Surveys, Loss Adjusting, and many more. It is also a pleasure to share with the readers that I am a registered Marine Warranty Surveyor which allows me to do high-risk jobs in this field.
Apart from this part of my life, I also try to engage myself in academic and research-related activities. During my academic studies, one of my teachers introduced me to Research Paper publication sector which is used by researchers all over the world to publish their findings and research activities. Under the guidance of my teacher, Mrs. Aevelina Rahman, I published my first research paper while I was in my third year. As a third-year student, it was very exciting for me as I was presenting my research in front of professors from country and abroad. I am proud to say that, I have been the very first student in my department to publish a paper in an International Journal. Since then, I have been trying to keep myself busy in the research sector. Over the next few years, I have published several research papers, worked with international journals as a reviewer and I have also published a book chapter. These kinds of activities give me the thrust that I have been looking for.

What inspired you to pursue a career as a Nautical Inspector in the Marshall Islands, and how does your role contribute to maintaining maritime safety and compliance?
I guess most of us remember our first day at job. I still remember my first date of joining. I joined my very first office at 9.00 am, and by 9.30 the Managing Director (MD) gave me a cover roll to put it on as the company had one urgent job scope. I accompanied with my MD and went for the inspection which was both thrilling and fearful. As I went into the deep sea on a small boat, I felt this is the career that I have been looking for. During my Chittagong days, I had first-hand experience in ship surveys, salvage operations, shipbuilding, ship recycling, and many more activities.
From there I climbed up to a Class Surveyor for an IACS member. For the readers, a Class Surveyor is a qualified person who inspects the ship and its main components as per the rules of regulations. The job role of a Class Surveyor is one of the most respectful and demanding jobs in the Marine Industry. While working as a Class Surveyor, I had the privilege to visit several countries. I have been to Singapore and India a couple of times to carry out survey activities. My eyes were open and I had a bigger vision as I witnessed the job exposure for surveyors in foreign countries.
One fine morning I was having coffee in my hotel room in Singapore. I was looking outside the window which had a very clear view of the Singapore City and realized something. I quickly made a call to my wife (Mrs. Fida Mashfiha) and told her, I would try to shift to another country and I would always be a Marine Surveyor for the rest of my life.
Next few months, I invested in looking for job opportunities and applied more than a hundred times to secure and suitable job befitting my career path. At last, I got the opportunity, to shift to Qatar for better exposure in the marine sector and started my career as a Nautical Inspector.
Some say Gas Carrier ships are the most difficult and challenging ships for surveyors. I think it is the best ship to learn and gain first-hand experience. Maritime rules and regulations are always updating and it is my core responsibility to ensure that these rules are being followed and maintained by the ship at all times. As Gas Carriers are always carrying dangerous goods, I believe these ships work as the best platform to ensure that all the rules and regulations have been maintained properly and there is no harm to the ship or its crew or the port where the ship is conducting its operation.
Can you discuss a significant inspection or audit you’ve conducted with International Registries, Inc., highlighting the challenges faced and the importance of adherence to international maritime regulations?
Recently I completed the annual safety inspection onboard a LNG vessel, which is one the biggest LNG carriers currently sailing in the world. Due to short port stay and port restrictions, it was a challenging job for me to complete the annual inspection within the time frame and ensure that the ship is in proper order to be sailing.
To wrap up the job, I had pre-planned my inspection and what all tests I will be conducting during the survey. As soon as I was onboard the vessel, I had an opening meeting with the Ship’s Officer, discussed my work scope, delegated the work among the ship’s crew and immediately started my inspection. As a Nautical Inspector, there is no such word as compromise. Because if I compromise today, the very next day there may be an incident and I will be solo responsible person. It is my responsibility to ensure that, all the regulations are properly maintained, the ship’s crew bar the right documents, they are medically fit for their designated jobs, ship condition is as per flag requirements, and many more things. After several hours of rigorous efforts and challenges, I completed the job within the time frame.
In the realm of maritime inspection, how do you stay updated on evolving industry standards and technological advancements to ensure effective oversight and enforcement?
In recent years, there has been many changes in the marine section. Especially during the Covid period, there has been many implementations of the ship’s protocols. All these protocols are made to make the life of sea fearers risk-free and hassle-free operation of ship. Accidents are happening on ships, people also die on ships due to various reasons. As part of my job, I have to ensure that the safety protocols are all present in the specific positions and easily accessible for everyone.
Whenever there is any update in the current rules-regulations, the updates are circulated to all the Nautical Inspectors, and Class Surveyors around the globe through their respective channels. As a Nautical Inspector, I have to keep myself updated and always look for the updated versions. In today’s digital era, the regulations are quite easy to find as all the governing bodies have their own platforms to post updates. Even social media is a good platform nowadays to share updates and keep oneself updated.

Balancing regulatory enforcement with fostering positive relationships within the maritime community can be challenging. How do you approach communication and engagement with stakeholders to achieve mutual goals?
Ships are an irreplaceable mood of transport in the world. Roughly 80% of the worldwide trade is dependent on the ships. Henceforth, the maritime community is always busy. Naturally, ships are sailing from one port to another non-stop. Any delay in the shipment will affect the trades which is directly or indirectly related to monetary condition. As such the owner or the stakeholders are not in a position to delay the ship unless worst-case scenario. Keeping this in mind, the ships are always given a window period to complete the annual inspections. Generally, the window period is for six months, and in between this period, the stakeholders can conduct the inspections. The stakeholders are informed well before about the coming dates and they have the flexibility to plan as per the ship’s voyage.
As a Nautical Inspector, I must maintain a good relationship with the ship’s stakeholders and the ship’s crew. My job is not to make the ship crew’s difficult, rather my job role is to help the ship’s captain to meet the regulations. I must always have a positive attitude toward the ship’s crew and be ready to cooperate with them for any challenging matters. The same attitude is to be bearable when communicating with the ship’s stakeholders. In case the ship is out in sailing and doesn’t have any port stays during the window period, my role requires to have direct communication with the stakeholders, getting the laterst arrival dates of the ship, and ensuring that the inspection is carried out without any challenges from my side.
Sometimes, there are major deficiencies found during the inspection which require immediate action for rectification. In some ports, it is not permissible to carry out the repair work. In such scenarios, I cannot overlook the deficiencies nor I can hold the ship to complete the repairs. I must convince the stakeholders of the importance and urgency for the repairs. Hence, the ship can do repair works out of port area and then sail out to next port. But, if I had a negative attitude and held the ship, it may have cost a lot for the stakeholders and also may have affected the port regulations as well. As a Nautical Inspector, all these things are to be borne in mind.
Beyond your professional responsibilities, what personal values or experiences drive your commitment to maritime safety and environmental protection, and how do you integrate these into your work?
In my childhood, I used to live in my village area. While traveling to the capital city of Dhaka, we had to cross a river. Ferries and launches were used as the mode of crossing the river. Even in childhood, I was fascinated how come this large ferry which is made of steel and metal is floating on water; where a piece of nail or broken metal just quickly sank. I had the answer but still, I couldn’t picture it myself in head quite clearly.
Maybe that picture of the ferry carrying cars, buses, and trucks and going from one side of the river to the other side is still set in my mind. Maybe the scenario has been the key factor for myself to pursue the career of a Marine Surveyor, a Nautical Inspector.
The moment I step on a ship, I feel like I am at home, I feel like this is my place. Naturally people look after their home, right? – The same applies to me being on a ship. The pleasure I feel when I doing an inspection, the thrill I have while looking at various ships, the knowledge I gather while meeting new people; all these work as the catalyst for me to drive in the particular field.
Mr Hasan Ruhan Rabbi, please say something to the readers!
My Late Father used to tell me, “More you travel, more people you will meet. More people you will meet, more experience you will gain’’. He has always encouraged me to travel around and see the world by myself. I literary took his advice and made it my motto to travel, visit new places, and experience new things.
My suggestion to the readers will be spread out, look for new things, try new challenges. If one thing doesn’t work out, try second one. If the second one is a failure, go for a third one. But never stop.
Nothing has stopped me. I was never the brightest student of my undergraduate batch. But, certainly, I am one of the brightest in the professional world. If I can do it, so can you. So, reach out and enjoy life to the fullest.

Quick Chat with Hasan Ruhan Rabbi
The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
I believe I am yet to achieve the best achievement of my life. However, I get to know I have been the inspiration for others to pursue their career, which gives me plenty of pleasures.
The greatest philosopher in your view:
Your Icon:
My Father.
Name the most influential books you have read:
Mother by Maxim Gorky.
Your greatest fear:
To live without living.
Best piece of advice you’ve received:
“See the world with closed eyes”
You in only three words:
Traveller, Inquisitive, Pursuer.
Skill Set:
• Hard Skills
• Soft Skills
Communication and Interpersonal skills
Adaptability to surrounding environment
Thinking out of the box
Look for new opportunities.
Prayer For The Human Civilization
We are made for each other. May we help ourselves in times of needs and overcome the obstacles through our mutual efforts. May be peace upon us and our upcoming generations.
The InCAP: Thank you, Mr. Hasan Ruhan Rabbi! It’s a glittering conversation with you!
Hasan Ruhan Rabbi: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.
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