Home Interview Promising Professional Person: Madhuchanda Shaley

Promising Professional Person: Madhuchanda Shaley

Madhuchanda Shaley
Officer CSR (Compliance)

Welcoming Madhuchanda Shaley, a distinguished professional serving as Officer CSR (Compliance) at STRAUSS. With a robust background in corporate social responsibility and compliance, Madhuchanda exemplifies excellence in navigating global business standards. Her commitment to ethical practices and strategic insight propels organizations towards sustainable growth. Join us in exploring her impactful contributions in the realm of international business.

Let’s learn about her journey.

Ms. Madhuchanda Barua Shaley, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!

Greetings everyone! I’m excited to begin this journey of sharing my academic and professional endeavors with you. My educational voyage started with completing my SSC and HSC in Chattagram. Following this, I pursued BBS from the National University and went on to complete my MBA from Southern University, focusing on Accounting. I’m looking forward to engaging in detailed discussions and exchanging insights with each of you!

    My professional journey began at MAS Intimates LTD, Bangladesh where I started as an Assistant commercial from export side. Then I worked in JJMBD as a Compliance. Currently, I am working as CSR (Compliance) from HR department for STRAUSS CI Factory, Bangladesh.

    In parallel, I have pursued continuous professional development. I am excited to bring this blend of academic knowledge and practical experience to contribute effectively to any role or project I undertake.

    What motivates your role in CSR at STRAUSS?

    My dedication to ensuring organizational compliance stems from a deep-seated belief in the profound importance of ethical conduct in business operations. Compliance serves as the cornerstone for fostering trust and credibility while mitigating risks and liabilities. It’s not merely about adhering to regulations; it’s about championing a culture of integrity where ethical behavior is non-negotiable.

    By upholding compliance standards, I strive to contribute to a corporate landscape where honesty and transparency are paramount. Through my passion for compliance, I aim to drive positive change by instilling a strong ethical compass within the organizational framework, ensuring its longevity and prosperity.

    How do you align CSR efforts with HR strategies for employee engagement?

    Integrating CSR initiatives with HR strategies to engage employees involves merging the company’s social responsibility endeavors with human resources practices to instill a sense of purpose and satisfaction among the workforce. One method is to ensure that CSR endeavors align with employees’ values and interests, thereby boosting their involvement and morale. Additionally, embedding volunteer opportunities or community service projects within HR frameworks allows employees to actively engage in CSR initiatives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Moreover, establishing platforms for employees to contribute ideas and feedback regarding CSR initiatives empowers them and deepens their connection to the company’s societal impact endeavors. Furthermore, integrating CSR objectives into performance evaluations and recognition schemes incentivizes employees to actively champion and participate in CSR activities. Moreover, transparent communication about the impact of CSR initiatives on both the community and the organization further engages employees by showcasing the meaningful difference they are making. Ultimately, harmonizing CSR efforts with HR strategies necessitates a comprehensive approach that weaves CSR into the organizational culture and values, thereby establishing a mutually beneficial link between CSR initiatives and employee engagement.

    What makes an excellent compliance officer?

    The most effective compliance officers connect with people on a human level. They engage with people beyond just advising on what they can and can’t do and issuing training requirements. They show interest in them as people, not just concerning the challenges they face in their role but also on a more personal level.

    How do you ensure CSR initiatives reflect STRAUSS’s global values?

    As a CSR officer at STRAUSS, my job is to ensure our CSR actions reflect what our company believes in on a global scale. To do this, I’d start by understanding our company’s main values and goals. Then, I’d talk to people within and outside STRAUSS to get a sense of how these values are seen in different places. I’d also look at what other companies are doing well in CSR and make sure we’re on the right track.

    Working together with different teams in STRAUSS, I’d make sure CSR is part of how we make decisions and do our daily work. Finally, I’d set up ways to check how our CSR efforts are doing worldwide, so we can always be transparent and responsible.

    Ms. Madhuchanda Barua Shaley, please say something to the readers!

    Hello there, wonderful readers! What a joy it is to connect with each of you. Whether you’re here to expand your horizons, dive into new worlds, or simply unwind with captivating content, I’m excited to be a part of your experience. Let’s embrace each day as a chance for growth and exploration, together. Keep that flame of curiosity burning bright, stay inspired, and never lose sight of your passions. Here’s to a world of endless possibilities.

    Quick Chat with Madhuchanda Shaley

    The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
    Securing my first job was a pivotal moment, made all the more special by the pride shining in my dad’s eyes. It’s a memory that will always hold the top spot as my greatest achievement.

    The greatest philosopher in your view:
    The greatest philosopher, in my opinion, is Immanuel Kant. His moral philosophy, based on the concept of universal ethics and the categorical imperative, provides a solid foundation for our corporate social responsibility initiatives. Kant’s emphasis on moral autonomy, human dignity, and ethical duty underscores the importance of acting with integrity and responsibility in all our business dealings.

    Your Icon:
    My Father. And every hard-working and independent woman in the world.

    Name the most influential books you have read:
    a. You can if you think you can by Norman Vincent peale.
    b. The power of your Subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

    Your greatest fear:
    Darkness & witnessing the transformation of my loved ones.

    Best piece of advice you’ve received:
    Life is better when you are happy but much better when someone is happy because of you.

    You in only three words:
    Honest, Tenacious, Self-motivated.

    Skill Set:

    ● Hard Skills: Data Analysis, Continuous learning, Project Management, Employee Relations, Legal Compliance, Performance Management.

    ● Soft Skills: Hard working, Leadership, Adaptability, Problem-solving, Collaboration, Ethical Decision Making, Team work.

    Prayer For The Human Civilization
    I wish to grant us the wisdom to prioritize cooperation over conflict and to cultivate respect for the diversity that enriches our world.

    The InCAP: Thank you, Ms. Madhuchanda Shaley! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

    Ms. Madhuchanda Shaley: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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