Home Interview Dynamic Corporate Leader: Farha Naz Zaman

Dynamic Corporate Leader: Farha Naz Zaman

At The InCAP, we are delighted to feature Ms. Farha Naz Zaman as a distinguished figure in our prestigious global campaign – Branding Positivity, Branding Professionals (BPBP). As the Marketing Director at Grameenphone Limited, Ms. Zaman exemplifies what it means to be a Dynamic Corporate Leader. Her career, defined by innovation, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to her craft, stands as a source of inspiration for professionals worldwide.

From her early days in bustling call centers to her transformative leadership in digital marketing, Farha Naz Zaman’s journey is a testament to the power of vision and perseverance. Named Asia’s Top Outstanding Woman Marketeer of the Year 2023, Ms. Zaman has set new benchmarks in the marketing world. Her unique combination of strategic insights from FMCG and tech-driven approaches in telecommunications is redefining how Grameenphone connects with its customers.

In this exclusive interview, Ms. Zaman reflects on pivotal moments from her career, shares her innovative strategies, and offers a glimpse into the future of marketing. Her candid insights into overcoming challenges, fostering creativity, and balancing her professional and personal life provide invaluable lessons for aspiring leaders.

Take a moment to read her insightful interview and discover the wisdom behind her remarkable journey.

A pivotal moment came when I became Head of Digital Marketing at Grameenphone. This role, in a then-nascent field, allowed me to experiment and innovate, teaching me that failure is a crucial part of growth as long as we learn from it. Lastly, choosing to transition from telecommunications to the FMCG industry marked a major milestone, reflecting my commitment to exploring new horizons and broadening my professional scope.

My experiences across different industries have taught me that every sector has valuable insights to offer. I’ve observed distinct approaches to brand management between FMCG and Telecom. At Grameenphone, I’ve integrated the best practices from both worlds, merging the strategic, consumer-centric brand management style of FMCG with the dynamic, technology-driven approach of Telecom. This fusion has allowed us to create a more holistic and innovative strategy for our brand.

The future of marketing at Grameenphone is centered around our customers, evolving alongside their needs, mindsets, and expectations. While trends like digital transformation and AI are significant, what truly excites me is the challenge of staying relevant to our customers’ current interests and delivering solutions that resonate with them in real-time.

I believe that learning is a daily practice and a mindset that permeates everything we do. To foster this within my team, I emphasize the importance of experimentation—encouraging them to try new things, take risks, and see failure as a valuable learning opportunity. We regularly discuss both our successes and our challenges, using them as a foundation for growth. Additionally, by sharing and celebrating good work, such as our initiatives in AI, we create an environment where creativity and continuous learning thrive.

One of the most challenging obstacles I’ve encountered was the perception that I wasn’t fit for roles beyond my current position. Overcoming this required resilience and a proactive approach to seeking new challenges and opportunities. I had to carve out my own path, proving my capabilities through determination and innovation. Additionally, I view networking not just as a professional necessity, but as an opportunity to build meaningful relationships. These relationships, whether long-term or formed through a simple conversation, have become an essential support system that has helped me turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

The key to balancing my professional and personal life has been setting clear priorities and having a strong support system. My husband has been incredibly supportive; while we both had progressive corporate careers, he decided to step back and start his own business, enabling me to continue advancing in the demanding corporate world. So now we can shuffle between our work & family priorities and complement each other. This mutual support and understanding have been crucial in maintaining a healthy balance.

First, it’s essential to identify your strengths and understand what you truly want to achieve. Set your goals clearly and remain focused on them, without being distracted by how others are progressing—everyone has their own path. Second, make a conscious effort to continuously explore new opportunities and acquire new skills; this keeps you adaptable and competitive. Lastly, there is no substitute for hard work—dedication and persistence are critical to advancing your career.

To advance women’s empowerment, organizations should adopt inclusive infrastructure that caters to specific needs. This includes provisions such as maternity leave, accommodations for menstrual health, and enhanced safety measures. Just as we create designated smoking zones, we should also address these essential needs. Additionally, a profound mindset shift is crucial—no role should be considered inherently gender-specific. Individuals should have the freedom to pursue roles based on their interests and capabilities, not their gender. Furthermore, many standards and benchmarks have historically been designed with men in mind, which needs to change. Women should not have to conform to masculine traits to be recognized as effective leaders. Governments can support this effort by enacting policies that mandate such inclusivity and by actively promoting gender equality in all sectors.

Focus on your strengths and have unwavering faith in your abilities. Recognize that perfection is a myth and that you will face challenges, disappointments, and detours along your journey. It’s crucial to remain focused on your goals and stay true to who you are. Take every opportunity to learn, whether through new experiences or by observing others. Even the smallest of interactions can provide valuable insights. With resilience and a commitment to growth, you will navigate through the obstacles and ultimately achieve your aspirations.

Asia’s Top Outstanding Woman Marketeer of the Year 2023

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