Home Entrepreneurship Glorious Entrepreneur: Nusrat Jahan

Glorious Entrepreneur: Nusrat Jahan

Nusrat Jahan
Founder & CEO
Fly Far Ladies

Ms. Nusrat Jahan is a renowned leader in the travel and technology sectors, recognized for her innovative approach and commitment to empowering women. She has played a pivotal role in reshaping the travel industry through her visionary leadership, developing safe, inclusive, and technology-driven solutions that cater specifically to the unique needs of female travelers. With a deep focus on sustainability and operational excellence, she has led the creation of groundbreaking platforms that not only enhance the travel experience but also promote gender equity. Her strategic insight and forward-thinking approach have made her a transformative figure in a traditionally male-dominated industry, setting new standards for growth and innovation globally.

Let’s learn about her journey.

Ms. Nusrat Jahan: Throughout my journey, several pivotal moments have defined my path. Founding Fly Far International, Fly Far Trips, and Fly Far Tech were significant achievements, but creating Fly Far Ladies was the most challenging and rewarding. In an industry where female participation is low, building a platform exclusively for women required a level of innovation and resilience that tested me in new ways. As Bangladesh’s first female-focused travel app, Fly Far Ladies reflects my commitment to innovation and empowering women in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

My inspiration for Fly Far Ladies arose from recognizing the unique challenges women face in travel. Observing societal limitations and safety concerns, I saw the need for a reliable platform tailored to female travellers. Fly Far Ladies was created to provide a safe, empowering space where women can confidently plan and embark on journeys, blending travel with technology to address their specific needs.

Fly Far Ladies was born out of a desire to fill a glaring gap to empower women in the travel industry, where female travellers were often overlooked. This motivated me to create Fly Far Ladies, a platform specifically designed for women. As Bangladesh’s first female-focused travel app, it provides a safe and supportive platform offering curated girls’ fixed departure trips that prioritise safety, community, and personal growth, enabling women break societal barriers to travel confidently on their own terms.

Establishing Fly Far Ladies came with its fair share of challenges, particularly those unique to women’s travel. We had to overcome misconceptions, with some people mistakenly associating our initiative with human trafficking. Additionally, Social barriers and a lack of understanding about female mental health also posed challenges concerning the idea of women travelling independently. Despite these obstacles, we remained committed to our mission. Fly Far Ladies enhances the travel experience by providing personalized itineraries, real-time support, and a safe, supportive community specifically designed to address and overcome the challenges women face while travelling.

At Fly Far Trips, we approach everything from the client’s perspective. We constantly ask ourselves, “What would I expect if I were travelling?” This mindset helps us provide top-notch service, whether it’s ensuring smooth visa processing or meticulously planning corporate travel. Our goal is to make every aspect of our clients’ experience easy and seamless. While Fly Far Trips is an important part of our business, the creation of Fly Far Ladies presented unique challenges that required not just operational excellence but a deep understanding of the specific needs of women travellers.

To keep Fly Far Ladies competitive and innovative, we view it as a platform that belongs to all women, not just us. We actively listen to our clients, who regularly suggest improvements and help shape the platform. Their input is vital in ensuring that Fly Far Ladies remains aligned with what women truly need. We also focus on making travel as easy and convenient as possible through our one-stop booking solution. Our app and website are regularly updated with new features, such as safety tools and personalized trip planning, to continuously enhance the travel experience for women. While innovation is crucial across all my businesses, the strategies for Fly Far Ladies are specifically tailored to meet the unique and evolving needs of women travellers, ensuring that we remain ahead in the industry.

The future of the travel industry is being shaped by trends like sustainable tourism, advanced technology, and the growth of niche markets. For Fly Far Ladies, this means continuing to innovate by offering more eco-friendly travel options and leveraging technology to make our platform even more personalized and secure for women. As niche markets become increasingly important, Fly Far Ladies, Bangladesh’s first female-focused travel app, is uniquely positioned to lead this change and set new standards in women’s travel.

As a female leader in a predominantly male-dominated industry, I adopt a leadership philosophy centered on inclusivity, strategic empowerment, and innovation. I believe in leading by example and fostering a culture where inclusivity and innovation can thrive. My leadership philosophy is simple: when women are given the right environment, they can achieve remarkable things. I’m deeply grateful to my team, whose creativity and dedication have been instrumental in our success. Together, we’ve built a platform that not only serves women but is also shaped by women who understand the unique challenges and opportunities in this space.

Fly Far Ladies integrates sustainability and responsible tourism into our business model by promoting eco-friendly travel options and partnering with organizations that share our commitment to environmental and social responsibility. While sustainability is a priority across all our businesses, Fly Far Ladies goes a step further by embedding these principles into every aspect of our operations. Our goal is not only to empower women through travel but also to ensure that our platform contributes positively to the world they explore.

Navigating the challenges of the type such as COVID-19 pandemic required us to be agile and innovative. For Fly Far Ladies, we quickly adapted by offering virtual travel experiences and adding features to our app, such as real-time travel updates and flexible booking options. Even when our tour operations were paused, we kept the overall operation open by organizing free courses for women, ensuring that we continued to support and empower our community. To ensure future resilience, we have implemented robust contingency plans and continue to innovate in ways that meet the changing needs of travellers.

Managing multiple divisions requires a clear and unified vision. My goal is to ensure that every part of our business delivers a seamless and exceptional experience for our customers. For Fly Far Ladies, it’s especially important that our focus on empowering women is consistently reflected in everything we do. We achieve this by leveraging the strengths of Fly Far International, Fly Far Trips, and Fly Far Tech, ensuring that our services are integrated and aligned with our mission. Open communication and strategic alignment across all divisions are pivotal to achieving this unified approach.

My journey has taught me that success is not about following a straight path but about navigating challenges with resilience and innovation. Creating Fly Far Ladies has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. I encourage everyone to embrace their vision, no matter how unconventional, and to stay committed to their mission. Success is not only about achieving goals, it’s about the impact you make and the barriers you break along the way. Whatever you do, make sure you know your work well and have a long-term plan to guide you forward.

The greatest achievement of your life as of now:
Creating the best ever mobile app based travel platform that empowers thousands of women to explore the world with confidence.

How do you define patriotism?
Celebrating and uplifting my roots while embracing the world as my home.

The greatest philosopher in your view:
Lao Tzu, for his wisdom in flowing with life’s journey.

Meaning of “Success” to you:
Living life on my own terms, while inspiring others to explore beyond their comfort zones.

Your Icon:
Oprah Winfrey, for her vision, perseverance, and philanthropic spirit.

Name the most influential books you have read:
“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

What did you want to be when you were a child?
An astronaut, discovering new horizons.

Which is the best gift you’ve ever received? 
A plane ticket to somewhere I’ve never been.

Your greatest fear:
Standing still when there’s so much world left to see.

You in only three words:
Visionary, Resilient, Empathetic.  

  • Hard Skills: Strategic Business Growth, Financial Acumen, Advanced Technology Integration, B2B Market Research and Analysis, Project Leadership, Partnership and Network Management, Regulatory Compliance, Operational Excellence, Risk & financial management.
  • Soft Skills: Visionary leadership, Creative Problem-Solving, Advocacy and Influence, Effective negotiation, Adaptability and Resilience, empathy, effective communication, Strategic Influence with innovation, Inspirational Mentorship, Brand Stewardship.

Prayer For The Human Civilization:

As a leader dedicated to progress, I envision a future of global collaboration and innovation. May we embrace diversity, empower women, and provide opportunities for all to reach their potential. Let us commit to sustainability, equity, and empathy, fostering connections that uplift communities. Guided by integrity, may we create a lasting legacy of positive impact and harmonious growth for future generations.

The InCAP: Thank you, Ms. Nusrat Jahan! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Ms. Nusrat Jahan: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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