Home Business Insider Bangladeshi Architect Marina Tabassum Honored on Time’s 100 Most Influential People List

Bangladeshi Architect Marina Tabassum Honored on Time’s 100 Most Influential People List

Renowned Bangladeshi architect Marina Tabassum has been recognized for her profound impact on the global architectural landscape by being named on Time’s prestigious 100 Most Influential People of 2024 list.

Marina Tabassum, celebrated for her distinctive designs and unwavering commitment to sustainability and community-centric architecture, stands as a beacon of innovation in the field. Eschewing commercialism, Tabassum’s approach places paramount importance on embracing local cultures and addressing the pressing environmental challenges facing our planet.

In a statement on Time’s website, Tabassum’s unique ethos was hailed, stating, “Altruism isn’t typically a term attributed to award-winning architects—a profession where signature has become a common adjective—but Marina Tabassum isn’t typical. She has developed a practice and a way of being that prioritizes local cultures and values, as well as the perils faced by our shared planet.”

Tabassum’s architectural philosophy transcends the mere construction of buildings; it embraces a symbiotic relationship with the environment. Describing her acclaimed Bait Ur Rouf Mosque in Dhaka, winner of the prestigious Aga Khan Award, she emphasized the importance of buildings being able to “breathe without artificial aids,” likening them to living entities that harmonize with their surroundings.

Moreover, in a country grappling with the escalating threats of climate change-induced floods, Tabassum’s visionary approach has led to the development of cost-effective and easily relocatable housing solutions. Her designs epitomize resilience and adaptability, ensuring that buildings not only breathe but also remain resilient in the face of adversity.

While Tabassum’s impact is deeply rooted in her local context, her influence extends globally through her extensive teaching, lecturing, and international recognition. She embodies architecture not as a solitary pursuit, but as a universal language of collective expression and sustainability.

The inclusion of Marina Tabassum on Time’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024 list underscores her transformative contributions to architecture and her tireless dedication to creating spaces that embody the values of inclusivity, sustainability, and community.