Home Interview Future Corporate Leader: Nishat Tasnim Cynthia

Future Corporate Leader: Nishat Tasnim Cynthia

Nishat Tasnim Cynthia
Assistant Manager

Meet Nishat Tasnim Cynthia, a dynamic Assistant Manager at BRAC-Aarong. With a passion for innovation and strategic vision, Cynthia navigates the intricate realms of business with finesse. Her expertise in management and dedication to excellence underscore her as a rising leader in the global corporate landscape.

Let’s learn about her journey.

Ms. Nishat Tasnim Cynthia, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!

Throughout my professional journey, I’ve navigated various roles and responsibilities, shaping me into a versatile leader poised for the corporate future. Currently serving as the Assistant Manager of E-commerce at BRAC-Aarong, I’ve spearheaded initiatives in Social Commerce, Marketplace Management, B2B Sales, and Analytics, crafting strategies to amplify traffic, engagement, and sales. My tenure as the Point Person for Customer Resolution underscored my commitment to excellence, resolving over 1,000 queries monthly while managing Magento operations and third-party call center officials. Earlier, as Team Leader of the Sustainable Health Project, I oversaw operations across 7 districts, impacting over 20,000 core beneficiaries, showcasing my ability to lead impactful projects. Additionally, my stint as a Social Compliance Auditor and External Communication Specialist further honed my skills in ensuring organizational compliance and fostering external partnerships. I got the opportunity to work on a World Bank-sponsored producer-to-producer (P2P) learning project. Partnering with BRAC Aarong, they facilitated cross-country forums for grassroots producers and artisans from Bhutan, India, and Nepal. These sessions focused on crucial skills like product development and marketing, aiming to empower women participants in enhancing their products and sales. A rewarding experience in advancing social enterprise goals. Academically, my pursuit of excellence culminated in an MBA from BUP major in Supply Chain Management and a BBA from UIU major in Human Resource Management, supplemented by numerous scholarships and accolades, including government merit scholarships and recognition from the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh. These experiences have fortified my foundation, preparing me to navigate the dynamic landscape of corporate leadership with acumen and determination.

What inspired you to pursue a career in retail management and ultimately led you to your role as Assistant Manager at BRAC-Aarong?

My passion for retail management stemmed from a fascination with consumer behavior and the dynamic nature of the industry. Throughout my academic journey and internships, I realized the immense potential for innovation and growth within retail. BRAC-Aarong’s commitment to empowering local artisans and its holistic approach to e-commerce particularly resonated with me. Joining as Assistant Manager allowed me to blend my skills in business strategy and digital marketing with my desire to make a meaningful impact on both the business and community levels. The opportunity to contribute to Aarong’s mission of promoting Bangladesh’s rich cultural heritage while driving sustainable business practices aligns perfectly with my professional aspirations. This role not only challenges me to excel in a fast-paced environment but also offers a platform to lead initiatives that positively influence both the company’s success and societal well-being.

Can you discuss a significant project or initiative you’ve undertaken at BRAC-Aarong that contributed to the company’s growth or enhanced operational efficiency?

At BRAC-Aarong, I spearheaded a significant initiative aimed at diversifying our sales channels and enhancing operational efficiency. One key aspect was the reintroduction of alternative sales channel platforms for Aarong E-commerce. This encompassed the establishment of social commerce avenues, enabling customers to seamlessly place orders through social media platforms, thus broadening our reach and accessibility. Additionally, I orchestrated the onboarding process for various marketplace platforms, strategically showcasing Aarong’s diverse products to a significantly larger and more targeted audience. Moreover, recognizing the importance of corporate sales, I streamlined our operations to fulfill client requirements with unparalleled efficiency and promptness, ensuring satisfaction and fostering long-term partnerships. These efforts collectively contributed to the company’s growth by tapping into new markets, optimizing operational processes, and ultimately enhancing our competitive edge in the industry.

Beyond your professional role, what personal qualities or experiences do you believe contribute to your success as a retail leader at BRAC-Aarong?

Beyond my professional role, I believe my success as a retail leader at BRAC-Aarong stems from a blend of personal qualities and diverse experiences. My tenure as a point person for customer resolution honed my problem-solving skills and taught me the importance of meticulous attention to detail, managing diverse teams, and ensuring seamless operations. As a team leader of the Sustainable Health Project, I developed leadership skills, overseeing multifaceted projects and driving impactful initiatives. My stint as a social compliance auditor instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility and ethics, crucial for fostering trust in the retail industry. Furthermore, my background in external communication enabled me to effectively collaborate with stakeholders and leverage partnerships for organizational growth. Combined with my academic achievements and continuous pursuit of learning, these experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded leader capable of navigating the complexities of the retail landscape.

Given the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in today’s retail landscape, how does BRAC-Aarong integrate these values into its operations and product offerings?

At BRAC-Aarong, sustainability and ethical practices are not just buzzwords; they’re woven into the very fabric of our operations and product offerings. As Assistant Manager of E-commerce, I’ve witnessed firsthand how deeply ingrained these values are in every aspect of our business. From sourcing materials to production processes, we prioritize eco-friendly practices and ensure fair treatment of workers throughout our supply chain. Our artisans, predominantly women from rural areas, are empowered through fair wages and skill development programs, fostering economic independence and social upliftment. Our product offerings reflect our commitment to sustainability, with a focus on locally sourced, natural materials and traditional craftsmanship, creating timeless pieces with minimal environmental impact. Furthermore, we actively engage in community development initiatives, promoting education and healthcare in underserved areas. By integrating sustainability and ethics into our operations, BRAC-Aarong not only meets the demands of today’s conscious consumers but also sets a benchmark for responsible business practices in the retail industry.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for advancing your career within BRAC-Aarong and contributing to the company’s continued success in the retail market?

As I look ahead, my aspirations for advancing my career within BRAC-Aarong are deeply intertwined with contributing to the company’s sustained success in the dynamic retail market. I envision myself taking on progressively challenging roles that allow me to leverage my skills in e-commerce and strategic management to drive innovation and growth. By staying abreast of emerging trends and consumer preferences, I aim to spearhead initiatives that enhance BRAC-Aarong’s digital presence, optimize operational efficiencies, and broaden our customer base. Through effective leadership and collaboration with cross-functional teams, I aspire to foster a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within the organization. Ultimately, I am committed to playing a pivotal role in propelling BRAC-Aarong to new heights of achievement, ensuring its position as a market leader and a beacon of sustainable development in the retail industry.

Ms. Nishat Tasnim Cynthia, please say something to the readers!

To the readers, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your interest and attention. As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the pivotal role that support and collaboration play in achieving success. Whether it’s the guidance of mentors, the dedication of colleagues, or the trust of customers, each interaction has contributed to my growth and development as a professional.

In the vibrant tapestry of the retail industry, every thread represents an opportunity to innovate, inspire, and make a meaningful impact. At BRAC-Aarong, we are not merely purveyors of products; we are stewards of tradition, champions of sustainability, and advocates for social change. It is our collective endeavor to weave together a future where commerce is not just about transactions but about transformation — where every purchase supports a livelihood, preserves a heritage, and nurtures a community.

I invite you to join us on this journey of empowerment and enrichment. Together, let us celebrate the beauty of diversity, the power of ethical consumption, and the boundless potential of human endeavor. Thank you for being part of our story, and I look forward to the chapters yet to unfold.

Quick Chat with Nishat Tasnim Cynthia

The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
I have achieved the position of Assistant Manager at Aarong at the youngest age in its history.

The greatest philosopher in your view:
“The quality of your life is determined the quality of your thoughts”. – Marcus Aurelius

Your Icon:
My Mother & My Mentor. I want to mention their name here to show my utmost gratitude. I’m truly grateful to my mother, “Shahina Parvin” for teaching me the importance of resilience and integrity, values that have been key to my success. I also owe a debt of gratitude to my mentor, Fahad Bin Rahman, whose support and guidance have helped me realize my full potential from a young age until now.

Name the most influential books you have read:
Gorvodharini by Samaresh Majumdar, Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen

Your greatest fear:
Loosing opportunities.

Best piece of advice you’ve received:
Always see the bigger picture with positivity.

You in only three words:
Strong, Hardworking & Passionate

Skill Set:

Hard Skills –

• Google Analytics
• Business Development
• Strategic Planning
• Digital Marketing
• Data Analysis
• Competitive and Growth Analysis.

Soft Skills:

• Communication
• Negotiation
• Time management
• Leadership
• Project Management
• Team work.

Prayer For The Human Civilization:
May my journey through life radiate empathy, wisdom, and unity, nurturing a prosperous human civilization. With love, peace, and respect.

The InCAP: Thank you, Ms. Nishat Tasnim Cynthia! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Ms. Nishat Tasnim Cynthia: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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