Home Interview Professional Icon: Anwar Parves

Professional Icon: Anwar Parves

Anwar Parves
Country Lead
MIHCM Bangladesh

Anwar Parves, the esteemed Country Lead of MIHCM Bangladesh, spearheads the company’s operations with a visionary approach and strategic acumen. Renowned for his leadership in HR technology, Anwar drives innovation and excellence, ensuring MIHCM’s pivotal role in transforming human capital management across the region.

Let’s learn about his journey.

Mr. Anwar Parves, please share your professional and academic with our readers!

This journey dates to 2011 when I obtained my SSC certification. After this, I received a full scholarship to Cambrian College for my HSC. Coming from a family where education was never the top priority, getting a scholarship and completing my HSC was huge for me. And I was also the first in my family to complete college.

From a young age, I’ve understood the value of hard work and resourcefulness. Financing my education and general expenses meant balancing my studies with a part-time job. My father even took out a loan to support my education.

Those years of college and work were demanding, requiring long hours and dedication on both fronts. Despite the challenges, I graduated from Geomatika International University College with a degree in International Business.

Even though I worked throughout my college years, my actual career started when I worked as a Manager at Aliyaa Restaurant & Island Bar in Malaysia. I also worked as a Guest Services Associate in another restaurant.

While I was working there in December 2018, my current boss, Mr Harsha Purasinghe came with his family to dine in. As I was conversing with him, he offered me a job at his company, M I H C M Solutions, Sri Lanka as a Product Specialist. He initially wanted me to explore the possibility of building a business in Bangladesh.

For about two years, I worked alone. I did everything by myself and singlehandedly built a business here in Bangladesh. It was not easy. There was a lot to learn and a lot of challenges.

At the Bangladesh branch, I worked as the medium to bring in clients for MiHCM Sri Lanka. The very first client I brought in was Daffodil. Harsha knew the Chairman of Daffodil, so building a relationship was easy.

Since then, we have been growing. In 2022, we opened a regional office in Dhaka. Today, MIHCM Bangladesh has 14 employees, out of which 8 are female employees.

In the same year, I was promoted to Business Operation Lead and finally as the Country Lead in October 2022.

As the Country Lead for Bangladesh at MIHCM, how do you drive the company’s mission of revolutionizing human capital management practices in the country’s dynamic business landscape?

The mission of MiHCM is, “To help organizations embrace the future of work with Digital HR & Work Tech Solutions”. MIHCM Bangladesh is a future-driven HR technology provider that helps companies shift from manual HR tasks to automated solutions.

As a Country Lead of MIHCM Bangladesh, I make sure companies grow more aware of the new technological solutions as well as the most flexible HRIS software. Bangladesh is already thriving in this corporate ecosystem – it has companies with fully-fledged HR departments where our solution can be implemented.

In addition, our Prime Minister announced the implementation of “Smart Bangladesh”. This makes it easier for us to approach new clients and offer our services. MIHCM Bangladesh also aids companies in eliminating paper in their day-to-day operations, contributing to creating a sustainable environment.

Internally, I operate not as a country lead but as a friend and colleague. I do this so that no one is intimidated by my position. I make sure whoever I hire works and learns everything.

Beyond your professional endeavors, do you engage in any personal passions or hobbies that inspire your leadership approach at MIHCM? If so, could you share about them?

Yes, of course! Life would be very dull if I had no hobbies or passions.

I have a passion for wearing branded watches, sunglasses, and shoes. My hobbies include playing with my son and my pets, which consist of one dog, four cats, two turtles, three fishes, and seven birds. Modifying my bike is another passion of mine. Just like customizing a bike isn’t a quick fix, building a strong team requires careful planning and investment. You wouldn’t trust someone with your bike unless they have the skills, and similarly, you need to ensure your team members possess the right abilities to deliver on company expectations. Both processes involve thoughtful planning – with a bike, it’s about the modifications, and with a team, it’s about selecting and nurturing the right people. Both require dedication to achieve the desired outcome: a perfectly tuned machine (the bike) or a high-performing team.

Additionally, I love taking short walks to keep myself fit, which helps me focus. These hobbies and passions not only enrich my personal life but also provide valuable lessons and insights that I bring to my professional endeavors at MIHCM.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for your career as a leader in HR technology, and how do you plan to continue driving innovation and excellence in your role at MIHCM?

As a leader in HR technology, I always look up to one person – Harsha Purasinghe. The person I am today is because of him and his belief in me.

Harsha is a down-to-earth, humble person. His company began as a high school start-up in 1995, building various interesting software. Today, it has grown to serve over 600+ clients in 20+ countries.

Harsha may be the CEO, but he does not give up on coming up with innovative ideas for our HRIS software. This is something I highly appreciate about him. I try to follow in his footsteps – the non-technical part, of course, and with God’s grace, I hope to spread it in our country.

Mr. Anwar Parves, please say something to the readers!

I don’t think you know this about me, but I come from a generation of farmers. When my father moved to Dhaka, he had no choice but to take on the job of a cleaner.

It was not easy growing up – we went through many challenges. My parents divorced when I was 12 years old. My mother as a single parent worked as a tailor to provide for us. I worked around 10 hours a day teaching students to contribute to home expenses. It was difficult. There were many obstacles, but my drive to achieve my dreams no matter what pushed me to grow.

So, if I can go through these challenges and still make it, you can do it too. I believe anyone can. All you need is a little push and trust in yourself.

Quick Chat with Anwar Parves

The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
Winning the “Most Inspiring Person” Award for 2022 for leading change, inspiring and motivating others to achieve personal & company goals at MiHCM.

Your favourite movie quote:
“Great power comes with great responsibilities”.

Your Icon:
Harsha Purasinghe, CEO, MiHCM.

Name the most influential books you have read:
I don’t usually read but I did read this one book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”. This is my favorite book.

Your greatest fear:
Breaking trust.

Best piece of advice you’ve received:
“Be focused on what you do” by Harsha.

You in only three words:
Disciplined, Problem Solver, Committed.

Skill Set:

Hard Skills-

● Prospect Education
● Collaboration
● Return-on-investment demonstration
● Listening skills
● Problem-solving skills
● Understanding the purchasing process
● Interpersonal skills
● Persuasion skills
● Writing and delivering compelling commercial offers
● Mastering sales prospecting
● Qualifying prospects quickly
● Following up effectively

Soft Skills:

● Critical thinking
● Teamwork
● Empathy
● Emotional intelligence
● Good communication skills

The InCAP: Thank you, Mr. Anwar Parves! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Mr. Anwar Parves: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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