Home Interview Professional Icon: Nahian Ahmed Shah

Professional Icon: Nahian Ahmed Shah

Nahian Ahmed Shah
National Coordinator
World Vision Bangladesh

Nahian Ahmed Shah serves as the National Coordinator at World Vision Bangladesh, leading community development and humanitarian aid initiatives. With extensive experience in strategic planning and project management, she is committed to driving significant change and promoting sustainable growth throughout Bangladesh.

Let’s learn about her journey.

Ms. Nahian Ahmed Shah, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!

I have embarked on my professional journey with part-time research roles at BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, conducting research studies and collaborating with stakeholders. Then, I delved into business development and project management as a Business Development Manager at W3 Engineers Ltd and Dreamerz Lab Ltd, leading projects and translating stakeholder requirements into tangible deliverables. Following this, I ventured into program management and fundraising as a Program Officer at the Center for Communication Action Bangladesh. I’ve worked as a manager in business development in Sirajganj Economic Zone Ltd. – the largest private economic zone in Bangladesh and dealt with secretaries and ministers while dealing with BEZA and BIDA offices. Currently, I serve as the National Coordinator at World Vision Bangladesh, providing technical support in various initiatives such as private-sector partnerships, livelihood advocacy, and gender-inclusive market development. Alongside my professional pursuits, I have also engaged in community organizing and extracurricular activities, reflecting my commitment to social work and continuous learning.

I have pursued a Master of Development Studies and a Bachelor of Social Science in Economics from BRAC University, graduating with distinction. I have also excelled academically at Viqarunnisa Noon School and College (English Version) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My primary schooling was in Junior Laboratory School (English Medium).

As the National Coordinator at World Vision Bangladesh, could you share how you lead strategic initiatives to address key humanitarian challenges and drive positive change in the community?

As the National Coordinator at World Vision Bangladesh, I lead strategic initiatives by providing technical support in private sector partnerships, livelihood advocacy, gender inclusion, and climate-smart agriculture. Through evidence-based research and assessment, we foster grants writing, advocacy, and engage the private sector to drive positive change in communities.

As a leader in the humanitarian sector, what guiding principles or values do you uphold to ensure ethical and effective delivery of aid and development assistance?

Upholding principles of integrity, accountability, and respect for human dignity are paramount in ensuring ethical and effective delivery of aid and development assistance. Transparency, community participation, and cultural sensitivity guide our actions to promote sustainable development and empower local communities.

Beyond your professional responsibilities, do you engage in any personal initiatives or community involvement that reflects your commitment to social justice and humanitarian causes?

Beyond professional duties, I have engaged in personal initiatives such as organizing events with JAAGO Foundation, serving as Ex-Acting Director of BRAC University Film Club, and obtaining certifications to enhance presentation skills, reflecting my commitment to social justice and humanitarian causes. Worked with BRAC Institute of Governance and Development to organize seminars and events on Gender Equality and Inclusion, Women Empowerment and role of Women in Transformational Development etc.

Can you describe a particularly challenging situation you’ve encountered in your role and how you navigated it to achieve positive outcomes for World Vision’s beneficiaries?

One challenging situation involved navigating complex stakeholder dynamics during project implementation. Through effective communication, collaboration, and adaptive management, we addressed concerns, resolved conflicts, and maintained focus on achieving positive outcomes for World Vision’s beneficiaries.

What do you see as the most pressing humanitarian issues facing Bangladesh today, and how is World Vision adapting its strategies to address these challenges?

Bangladesh faces pressing humanitarian issues such as poverty, climate change impacts, and vulnerability to natural disasters. World Vision adapts its strategies by integrating climate-smart agriculture, livelihood advocacy, and community resilience-building initiatives to address these challenges and create sustainable solutions.

Ms. Nahian Ahmed Shah, please say something to the readers!

To the readers, I urge you to join hands in building a better world where everyone has access to opportunities and rights. Together, we can make a difference and create positive impact in the lives of vulnerable communities, especially the underserved children.

Quick Chat with Nahian Ahmed Shah

The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
The most outstanding achievement of my life thus far is achieving the $100K equity-free UNICEF Innovation fund for the Telemesh project, which aims to connect the unconnected billions through blockchain and mesh-enabled mobile messaging.

The greatest philosopher in your view:
The greatest philosopher in my view is Aristotle, whose profound insights into ethics, politics, and metaphysics continue to resonate across centuries.

Your Icon:
My icon is Malala Yousafzai, whose unwavering commitment to education and advocacy for girls’ rights in the face of adversity inspires me to strive for positive change.

Name the most influential books you have read:
Some of the most influential books I have read include “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, and “Development as Freedom” by Amartya Sen.

Your greatest fear:
My greatest fear is not being able to make a meaningful impact or bring about positive change in the world, especially in addressing social injustices and humanitarian crises.

Best piece of advice you’ve received:
The best piece of advice I’ve received is to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to always persevere in the pursuit of my passions and goals.

You in only three words:
Me in only three words: Passionate, resilient, dedicated.

Skill Set:

● Hard Skills

  1. Research and Proposal Writing: Proficient in conducting research studies, writing clear and concise reports, and developing grant proposals.
  2. Project Management: Experienced in project planning, execution, and monitoring, with a focus on program development and evaluation.
  3. Business Development: Skilled in analyzing business requirements, building client relationships, and translating stakeholder needs into actionable plans.
  4. Data Analysis: Competent in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data using tools such as Stata and Microsoft Office Suites.
  5. Monitoring & Evaluation: Experienced in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for various projects and initiatives.

● Soft Skills

  1. Communication: Effective verbal and written communication skills in English and Bengali, facilitating collaboration with stakeholders and team members.
  2. Leadership: Proven leadership abilities demonstrated through roles as a team leader, manager, and coordinator in various professional settings.
  3. Adaptability: Ability to adapt to diverse work environments, handle multiple tasks simultaneously, and thrive in dynamic and challenging situations.
  4. Problem-solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a strategic mindset to address complex issues and implement innovative solutions.
  5. Interpersonal Skills: Excellent interpersonal skills, enabling effective relationship-building with clients, partners, and colleagues.

Prayer For The Human Civilization

May the human civilization embrace empathy, compassion, and unity, striving for peace, equality, and justice for all. May we respect and cherish the diversity of our world, fostering understanding and cooperation across borders and cultures. May we steward our planet with care and responsibility, ensuring a sustainable and harmonious future for generations to come.

The InCAP: Thank you, Ms. Nahian Ahmed Shah! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Ms. Nahian Ahmed Shah: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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