S. M. Waliullah Hossain
Head Organizational Development
Introducing Mr. S. M. Waliullah Hossain, a distinguished figure at SBAC Bank PLC, serving as the Head of Organizational Development. With a wealth of experience in shaping corporate culture and enhancing employee performance, Mr. Hossain is a beacon of professionalism. His strategic insights and dedication to organizational growth make him an invaluable asset in today’s dynamic business landscape. Explore his expertise and contributions to professional excellence.
Let’s learn about his journey.

Mr. S. M. Waliullah Hossain, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!
I have started my professional career in the year 2011 as Human Resource professional in UCB (United Commercial Bank Plc) right after the completion of my Bachelor Degree. I have completed my BBA & MBA from North South University major in HRM. Prior joining to SBAC Bank Plc, I worked in different banks such as Bank Asia Plc, Jamuna Bank Plc in different capacities. Presently, I am working as Head of Organization Development in SBAC Bank Plc. Moreover, I have professional course and training from IBA and other reputed institutes respectively.
How do you align organizational development initiatives with the strategic goals of SBAC Bank Plc to ensure sustained growth?
The clearer your goals are, the easier it will be for others to understand the vision and rally around a shared purpose. Vague or general goals lead to vague or general results. So, we set the clear goals.
Once the bank’s goals outlined, share the goals with the Management of the Banks and benchmarked them accordingly.
When goals and accountabilities are clear, employees are likely to be highly engaged and help employees achieve their goals in the following manner:
– Robust onboarding for new hires to understand their role, company goals, and where to go for support
– Ongoing employee training and development to build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed
– Resources and tools to effectively get the job done
– Regular feedback and coaching from managers to ensure work is on track and aligned

How do you integrate diversity and inclusion principles into the fabric of organizational development strategies at the bank?
Diversity and inclusion are key factors in creating dynamic, creative and successful organization. An inclusive culture where all employees feel valued, respected, engaged regardless of the background, position, role or task. But sometimes, its quite challenging to promote diversity and inclusion within the organization because of unconventional methods, existing & stereotype culture. However, we introduced a structured and measurable framework for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating diversity and inclusion initiatives within organization.
Can you discuss your role in managing change processes and navigating potential resistance within SBAC Bank Plc?
My role is to anticipate and identify potential resistance before it occurs. I should identify which impacted groups are likely to resist the change, the issues that will influence their resistance response and take action to mitigate or eliminate those issues early on.
What strategies do you employ to promote a positive work environment and employee engagement across various branches of the bank?
The following strategy we usually follow for employee engagement:
– Recognition of the performers
– Appreciation to the new initiatives
– Women’s day celebration
– High proximity job location
– An effective one-on-one tool helps managers and employees have simplified and meaningful conversations about engagement and performance.
– A valuable feedback tool provides an outlet for workplace to give—and ask for—thoughts, tips, and coaching to further push growth and development.
Mr. S. M. Waliullah Hossain, please say something to the readers!
The only thing I can say to the readers that is: Value your heart and take the decision accordingly.

Quick Chat with S. M. Waliullah Hossain
The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
Received award from our Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for getting GPA 5.00 in HSC exam. That time, approximately 1000 students got the said GPA.
The greatest philosopher in your view:
Many of them may follow Aristotle, Plato but my point of view I am the greatest philosopher since I am running through my own idea and own belief.
Your Icon:
Specifically, I have no ICON but yes, I follow Barack Obama sometimes.
Name the most influential books you have read:
Honestly, I am not a book lover rather you can tell me a sports lover. Since childhood to till now I have involved with sports such cricket, football and other indoor games. So, it’s quite difficult for me to read the books.
Your greatest fear:
Self confidence
Best piece of advice you’ve received:
Time is the best healer
You in only three words:
Adaptable, Amiable, Supportive
The InCAP: Thank you, Mr. S. M. Waliullah Hossain! It’s a glittering conversation with you!
Mr. S. M. Waliullah Hossain: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you
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