Home Interview Promising Professional Person: Mahedi Hassan Rumi

Promising Professional Person: Mahedi Hassan Rumi

Mahedi Hassan Rumi
Assistant Manager, Media Relations
Alter Canvas

Mahedi Hassan Rumi, Assistant Manager of Media Relations at Alter Canvas, is a promising professional in the communications sector. With a keen eye for strategic media engagement and a passion for storytelling, he elevates the brand’s visibility and reputation, positioning Alter Canvas as a leader in innovative media strategies.

Let’s learn about his journey.

Mr. Mahedi Hassan Rumi, please share your professional and academic peregrination with our readers!

Well, My educational journey began at Chittagong Cantonment Public College, where I completed my schooling and HSC. I then pursued a bachelor’s degree in International Relations at Bangladesh University of Professionals, where I gained a solid understanding of global affairs and diplomacy.

Professionally, I started as an intern at Alter Canvas in the Media Communication Department. Through dedication and hard work, I was promoted to the position of executive, where I honed my skills in media relations and communication strategies. I also had the opportunity to explore the business development field at Foodpanda, which provided me with valuable insights into market analysis and strategic planning.

However, I felt a strong pull back to Alter Canvas, where I returned as an Assistant Manager in the Media Relations Department. This decision reflects my belief in the company’s vision and values, as well as my confidence in my ability to contribute effectively to its success.

Overall, my journey has been characterized by a commitment to continuous learning and growth, as well as a willingness to explore new opportunities and challenges.

Can you describe your role as Assistant Manager of Media Relations at Alter Canvas and the key responsibilities you oversee in managing media communications for the organization?

As Assistant Manager of Media Relations at Alter Canvas, I oversee a range of responsibilities vital to shaping the public image and reputation of Alter Canvas’s clients. This includes developing and implementing strategic media plans in alignment with the client’s objectives, monitoring and analyzing media coverage to proactively manage perception and address emerging issues, cultivating relationships with journalists and coordinating press relations activities on behalf of the clients, managing crisis communication situations, creating and distributing press materials, serving as a liaison between internal departments and the clients, and measuring the effectiveness of media relations efforts to inform future strategies.

Moreover, this role demands strategic thinking, strong communication skills, and the ability to navigate dynamic media landscapes to effectively manage media communications and uphold the reputation of Alter Canvas’s clients.

What strategies do you employ to cultivate positive relationships with journalists, media outlets, and influencers to enhance Alter Canvas’s media presence?

To cultivate positive relationships with journalists, media outlets, and influencers and enhance Alter Canvas’s media presence, I employ a mix of strategies. Firstly, I personalize my outreach, showing genuine interest in their work. Then, I make sure to provide value by offering exclusive insights or interviews that align with their interests. Building trust is key, so I prioritize honesty and reliability in all interactions. Timely responses to inquiries and follow-ups show professionalism and dedication. I also make an effort to network in person at industry events, fostering connections beyond digital communication. Offering exclusive opportunities and engaging with them on social media helps to strengthen our bond. Seeking feedback ensures our communication meets their needs, and I focus on nurturing long-term relationships rather than one-off transactions. It’s all about building genuine connections and providing value to ensure Alter Canvas stays on the radar in a positive light.

In the realm of crisis management, how do you navigate challenging situations or negative publicity to protect and promote Alter Canvas’s reputation?

Firstly, in crisis management, proactive communication is a must. Establishing a clear communication plan ensures stakeholders are promptly informed about any issues and the steps being taken to address them. Secondly, it’s crucial to listen and monitor conversations to swiftly identify emerging problems. This allows for a prompt and transparent response, focusing on solutions, maintaining consistency in messaging, and rebuilding trust if necessary. Thirdly, transparency and authenticity are vital; being honest about the situation and avoiding withholding information builds trust. Fourthly, engage with stakeholders to address concerns and provide updates, demonstrating accountability. Fifthly, ensure employees are equipped with training to handle crises effectively, as their actions can significantly impact public perception. Sixthly, learn from the crisis and make necessary improvements to the crisis management strategy.

Can you share a successful media campaign or press initiative you’ve led at Alter Canvas that garnered significant media coverage and brand visibility?

In March 2022, Alter Canvas worked together with the Bangladesh Boxing Foundation, aimed at promoting professional boxing in Bangladesh where our focus was on generating extensive media coverage for the inaugural Tri-Nation Professional Boxing Night in the country. To achieve this, we planned specific content strategies across various verticals, including lifestyle pieces highlighting fitness tips inspired by boxer Sura Krishna and insightful features detailing Sura Krishna Chakma’s remarkable journey to becoming a boxer. Our efforts yielded significant results, securing full-page coverages in leading daily newspapers and media outlets. Simultaneously, we leveraged social media platforms to generate considerable hype and engagement surrounding the event. Additionally, we successfully forged two long-term partnerships: bKash sponsored Sura Krishna Chakma, and BEXIMCO sponsored BBF players for their championship in Thailand. These partnerships not only amplified the visibility of professional boxing but also provided vital support for the growth and development of the sport in Bangladesh, marking a significant milestone in our journey to promote and elevate boxing within the country. Furthermore, this PR campaign led us to win the Comma ward 2023 in the PR category, recognizing the excellence and impact of our efforts in promoting professional boxing in Bangladesh.

Outside of your professional role, what hobbies or interests do you pursue that contribute to your personal growth and creativity?

Apart from my professional role, I find personal growth and creativity through my hobbies, particularly reading books and cooking. Reading books allows me to explore different perspectives, learn new ideas, and enhance my knowledge base. Additionally, cooking is not only a practical skill but also a creative outlet where I can experiment with flavors, techniques, and recipes, fostering innovation and mindfulness in my daily life.

Mr. Mahedi Hassan Rumi, please say something to the readers!

I have just finished reading “The Go-Giver” written by Bob Burg & John David Mann. “The Go-Giver” teaches us that by focusing on adding value to others’ lives, we always end up getting rewards for ourselves. So, embrace the power of generosity and selflessness in your endeavors.

Quick Chat with Mahedi Hassan Rumi

The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:
Winning Commaward 2023 in the PR category

The greatest philosopher in your view:
“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” -Jordan Peterson

Your Icon:
My Father is my hero because he never gives up, even when things are tough, and he always does what’s right no matter what. His strong will and kindness make me want to be my best self every day.

Name the most influential books you have read:
The Go-Giver” written by Bob Burg & John David Mann

Your greatest fear:
As a PR professional, my greatest fear stems from the uncertainty of what may appear in the morning newspaper.

Best piece of advice you’ve received:
We should always think carefully about even the smallest steps we take, as they can have a big impact on our journey.

You in only three words:
Creative, Strategic, Articulate

Skill Set:

Hard Skills:
Media Relations, Content Writing and Editing, Strategic Communication, Crisis Communication, Event Planning, Presentation Skills, Media Buying, Media Monitoring, Report Writing

Soft Skills:
Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Adaptability, Creativity, Problem-Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Time Management, Negotiation, Resilience

Prayer For The Human Civilization:
Let’s all support fair treatment for everyone, no matter who they are so that everyone has the same chances. Together, let’s break down barriers and build a world where everyone is treated equally and with kindness.

The InCAP: Thank you, Mr. Mahedi Hassan Rumi! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Mr. Mahedi Hassan Rumi: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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