Home Business Insider Sammilito Parishad’s Entire Panel Wins The BGMEA Election

Sammilito Parishad’s Entire Panel Wins The BGMEA Election

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) saw a remarkable turn of events when Sammilito Parishad, under the leadership of SM Mannan Kochi, won all 35 directorship positions for the 2024–2026 term. This resounding triumph not only marks a significant milestone in the apparel industry but also heralds a new era of leadership within the organization.

BGMEA plays a pivotal role in Bangladesh’s garment industry, one of the country’s major economic pillars. The biennial elections serve as a crucial event, determining the direction and representation within the association.

Election Highlights:
The elections occurred on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, in both Dhaka and Chittagong. Sammilito Parishad emerged victorious in a landslide victory, clinching all 35 directorship posts, and making history within the BGMEA. The elections, which saw participation from two panels – Sammilito Parishad and Forum, showcased a remarkable turnout of 89.18% of the eligible voters, demonstrating the significance of the event within the industry.

A total of 2,226 BGMEA members exercised their voting rights out of 2,496 eligible members, with 1,839 voting in Dhaka and 387 in Chittagong regions.

SM Mannan Kochi received the highest number of votes in the election, securing 1,510 votes and solidifying his position as the incoming president of BGMEA, while Faisal Samad, the leader of the Forum panel, received 866 votes and was unsuccessful. In the Chittagong region, Rakibul Alam Chowdhury garnered the highest number of votes with 1,422.

Implications of Victory:
The triumph of Sammilito Parishad underscores a vote of confidence from the industry stakeholders in the leadership abilities and vision of SM Mannan Kochi. With a track record of success in the apparel sector and a mandate from the members, Kochi is poised to steer BGMEA towards greater heights during his tenure.

New Leadership Team:
The newly elected directors, representing both Dhaka and Chattogram regions, comprise prominent figures in the business community. Their diverse expertise and industry insights promise to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and address the challenges facing the garment sector in Bangladesh.

Challenges Ahead:
As SM Mannan Kochi prepares to assume the presidency, he faces a myriad of challenges, including ensuring sustainable growth, promoting ethical practices, and navigating the evolving global market dynamics. However, with a united team and the support of industry stakeholders, Kochi is well-positioned to tackle these challenges head-on.

For Bangladesh’s garment sector, Sammilito Parishad’s resounding victory in the BGMEA elections represents a critical turning point. With SM Mannan Kochi at the helm, the association is poised to embark on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth. As Bangladesh continues to assert its position as a global leader in garment manufacturing, the leadership of BGMEA under Kochi’s stewardship holds immense promise for the future of the industry.

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