Home Business Insider Google To Delete Location History Where Privacy is Sought

Google To Delete Location History Where Privacy is Sought

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Photo Courtesy: Reuters

Google informed that they will delete visits to abortion clinics from a location history. In addition, two satellites will soon carry remote sensors for detecting leaking methane into space. The sensors have previously been installed on aircraft to identify large methane plumes, allowing companies to fix methane leaks faster. But with this new advancement, satellites can identify leaks almost anywhere. And with an aiding hand from AI software, the system can quickly calculate the number of emissions escaping. This is a new initiative to hold the industry accountable for emission leaks. It also helps to expose countries and companies that underreport their emissions figures. So, the article contains Google To delete Location History Where Privacy is Sought.

It is the most popular hashtag trending on July 4, 2022. Google says it will automatically delete visits to abortion clinics from the user’s location histories as a part of a list of new privacy changes. In addition, it will auto-delete visit records for places, including counseling centers, domestic violence shelters, fertility centers, addiction treatment facilities, and other places where privacy is sought. According to the Google blog post, the system will delete the information once it identifies visits to these places. The change has only been announced in the U.S.

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