Home Interview New Year Greetings 2024 | Butcher-Power Wheel | Hello 24

New Year Greetings 2024 | Butcher-Power Wheel | Hello 24

“Reflecting on 2023: Challenges and Hopes for a Prosperous 2024 in the Meat Business”

Hello, I am Md Raju Hossain, a meat seller with 15 years of experience in the business. My roots are firmly planted in Kalshi, Dhaka, and as I reflect on the passing of 2023, it has been a year of mixed fortunes. The year unfolded with its share of highs and lows, and as I navigate through the ebbs and flows, I find myself standing at the intersection of challenges and opportunities.

In the realm of business, 2023 hasn’t been overly generous. The market dynamics have not favored us, and despite my years of experience, turning a profit has become a more elusive task. The soaring prices of cattle have cast a shadow over our trade. While the cost of acquiring livestock has risen, the harsh reality persists that the selling prices must remain low, leading to a noticeable deficit in our returns.

Looking ahead to 2024, my optimism hinges on a simple yet crucial factor—the reduction in the cost of raw materials. If the tide turns in our favor and the market sees a decrease in the prices of essential inputs, it could mark a turning point for my business. This change would not only alleviate the financial strain but also pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future.

As I extend my wishes for a Happy New Year to everyone, it comes with a silent plea for positive shifts in the economic landscape. May the coming year bring about a favorable change, enabling not just survival but growth for businesses like mine. In the face of uncertainties, hope becomes a beacon, and I cling to the belief that a more prosperous year lies ahead for us all.


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