Home Business Insider 22 Saudi Companies To Invest in Bangladesh

22 Saudi Companies To Invest in Bangladesh

22 Saudi Companies To Invest in Bangladesh

Khalid al-Falih, Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia, will lead a group of 22 businesses to Bangladesh to investigate investment potential. Following this, 22 Saudi Companies To Invest in Bangladesh.

After Ramadan, the delegation, including Aramco, the Saudi state-owned large gas-producing corporation, plans to travel Bangladesh. This was stated by Saudi Ambassador to Bangladesh, Essa Yussef Essa Al Dulaihan, at a news conference held at the embassy on the occasion of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud delivering food and dates.

According to Essa Yussef Essa Al Dulaihan, bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia have reached a new high in the last five years. In December 2021, the Saudi Transport Minister visited Bangladesh, and he said the Saudi Foreign Minister came in March 2022. Saudi Investment Minister Khalid al-Falih will visit after Ramadan.

According to the Saudi envoy, Bangladesh is a new region of business for Saudi investors. Infrastructure, shipbuilding, power plants, gas exploration, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and light engineering are investment fields. He emphasized the importance of eradicating any barriers to international investment.

When asked about Hajj, he stated that the rite is still closed due to the COVID pandemic but will reopen once the virus risk has been reduced to a manageable level. According to Dulaihan, 50% of all visas for Bangladeshis were completed in Bangladesh in 2019, and it is projected that 100% of visas for Bangladeshis will be completed in Bangladesh the next time the Hajj is reopened for them.

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