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Economic Stresses And Financial Disorders

Economic Stresses And Financial Disorders

The stress on economic viability has seen its appearance in the standard view of the observer with the due passage of time. The economic vitality in the modern era of growth and development, especially in Bangladesh, has marked days in which the trend of progress has been seen as a perfect solitude of societal reinvigoration. The idea that liberty as a societal construct can unbound people from the shackles of hard-hitting reality will always be the door towards the pacification of the system. The open-ended deliverance of a notion as big as that of the entire financial network of the country will change its observable variances when it gets to the apex of deconstructed reverberation of inherent disorders. The article is about Economic Stresses And Financial Disorders.

Bangladesh has already seen enough changes in its own repertoire as it has been in the past that eventually brought up the pluralistic resonance that the people of the country have amidst the political downturn. There can never be a proper method to regurgitate and find out the reasons for financial upheavals and imbalance as an aftermath of the economy. The range of visibility and the ability to foresight what is there in front of us as a domino effect of the culminating activity of the entire populace of a region shall give way to the inept attitudes of people taken as a common denominator while eliminating the existing differences.

The time and onus are on the people of Bangladesh to not lay another futile egg as a problem to be solved in the future: The action must be taken now while the country is moving forward, and there cannot be a better time to refurbish the societal accentuations to create the mild atmosphere of economic growth in pen and paper. The real growth of Bangladesh as a developing economy will take precedence just as many other economies in Asia has done over the past and make sure that the entire financial system sits on a buffer of constructive economic models accurate enough to the extent that its prediction matches very closely with the economic measures and its aftereffect in the real ground-based economic approach.

The economic propensity of Bangladesh can be seen as a moral servitude with enough self-bearing-accusatory behavior exhibiting the reasons for which the wealth gap seems to be as they are. The financial metrics have always been a ground zero start-up of ideas that themselves help us strengthen the feasibility of the societal knot unbreakable in nature. The tiresome extent to which the people of a region go beyond to transgress the boundaries of the holistic endeavors of millions of people will always reiterate a question as to why the region based economic laws of segregation work no more, and it truly can never be a barometer to measure the success of people and the liability they hold against the economic aggregates of the country. The micro-economics will always create the divide between how private firms and consumer businesses alike do to contribute to the economy; however, the bigger question is how they could run the entire economy down if the web of financial transparency goes down the drain by the very mechanism created it to uphold its dominance.

The country of Bangladesh has come a long way since its blood-bound inception into the world arena. The promise of freedom to a country that fought for it can in no sense be a rhetorical substitute for going forward, but as it has panned out for the last 51 years, the urgency of Bangladesh to create a nation free from the deformed renunciations of its constituents can in every sense be the part of the bigger picture-how democratic liberty frees souls in every aspect-will in most of our perceivable sense be a very fine judgment of regional tensions. Bangladesh will always uphold the religiously (Muslim dominated) morale as a common picture exuded by the majority, and the cultural practices can have a very fine relationship with the way the mass populace behaves. However, through the innate ability of people to sense danger, the dangerous propositions taken into the haystack of communal arrangement should put a lid on top of the entire situation. 

The ultimate aggravation to limit the way people use the resources-abundant or not- can in any manner be a choice of the first kind. The large discrepancies that exist as a minimal approach to understanding the market mechanism for ensuring the smooth flow of money in and out through households and businesses will mark the entire economy to meet the demand. Bangladesh will meet the eye to eye with many other countries who are their rivals. As the 41st country in terms of GDP and an ever-growing young population, today, Bangladeshi and Bengalis alike can say how the promise of liberty in every word has met its answer.

In many other ways, the likelihood of economic sanctuaries has become a part of the common facet of millions of lives in Bangladesh. The pressurized stagnation applied to people’s lives and their indirect effect on businesses by mutual competition has made every sense of” economic profusion” a vague term amidst a cloud of overconfident financial risk-taking. Though we see sensible moves by the authorities (Government) and central banks to ease restrictions on the flow of money by raising interest rates and easing rates on loans, and increasing payment along with using subsidies from commodities and natural resources to create a secure environment for the common methods to elevate few these problems is never going be eliminated as long as there is the existence of public mistrust upon the government.

The economic stresses will remain as a part of wealth segregation. The financial disorder will happen due to the inability to control aspects within the limits and the ever-increasing provision for people to discover the real intent of economic and financial collapse from the heights of success. The wealth gap and the average income (GDP per capita) can never be the same factors working in unison for Bangladesh because as we dim the lights on these, we see the unbelievable financial disparity that is there as a stamp on the economy and a burden irremovable by all measures.

Engr. Samin Shadman Zahir
Contributor, The InCAP

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