Home Interview From Young Leader: Shariful Islam Tareq

From Young Leader: Shariful Islam Tareq

Shariful Islam Tareq AGM (Head of Operations) Marketing & Media Rupayan Group

Shariful Islam Tareq
AGM (Head of Operations)
Marketing & Media
Rupayan Group

An adage goes, “Experience is the best teacher.” While that age-old adage has stood the test of time, there’s something to be said about the drive, energy, and imagination of those in the early stages of their careers, especially young and up-and-coming commercial real estate leaders.

Following the behavior of thinking forward, the youth joining the real estate seems to have a more significant impact due to their passionate traits and the urge to thrive in their field of interest in real estate- design, marketing, procurement, etc. Each role has its unique responsibilities to nurture. Seeing the real estate business as a prospective industry, many young people around the globe are diving into this, dedicating their growth mindset and sheer will.

Bangladesh is no exception, which leaves us the young role models in the Bangladesh real estate industry. Of all them, Shariful Islam Tareq, AGM (Head of Operations), Marketing and Media from Rupayan Group, being a versatile person, has been working to develop the image of the country’s real estate. So let’s learn from him how his role helps him contribute to the Rupayan Group and the overall development.

The InCAP: Mr. Shariful Islam Tareq, Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd, has been working to develop the country and its people. What do you have in mind as a plan following the chain of actions?

Shariful Islam Tareq: Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd is one of the leading names in the real estate business, working for a better future. They aim to create a better home in this congested city for its people. They are trying to cope with the advancement of this country. Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd is successful in taking part in this development.

Apart from developing the country, what is Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd doing for its customers to make their lives easier?

Customers are the priority for Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd. They always think about the better livelihood of the people. Therefore, they plan to give all kinds of facilities under a roof to customers. To improve the daily lifestyle of customers/people, Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd is incorporating all sorts of needs and facilities in their every project. 

We are living in a new normal condition now. But still, the virus can be a threat again. What should mental preparations be taken from your side?

Yes, we indeed had a tough time fighting against coronavirus. But till now, we are facing Omicron, Delta, and other variants. Every sector has been affected by this virus. Day-to-day work was paused for many days. But to keep moving, Rupayan has taken steps. 

What steps were taken to help pandemic-hit customers pay installments?

It has been tough for the customers to pay the installment in due time. Because in this pandemic, we have seen a massive economic downfall of the people. So, Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd has taken necessary steps like easing their installments, giving them bank support, etc., to keep their hope. 

Why will customers choose your company when buying apartments?

As a pioneering real-estate company, Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd has a good reputation in Bangladesh with vast experience in the sector. Rupayan investigated and provided the people with an environment where the next generation can grow mentally and socially amid a green and natural atmosphere with modern facilities. 

What are the most significant projects that Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd completed, and what challenges do you face in those projects?

Rupayan City Uttara is currently the only premium mega gated community available in Bangladesh. There were some challenges in completing these projects, like lack of adequate resources support. It is not easy to make something from blank. Rupayan had the vision to create something from nil. Currently, the project is visible. Also Rupayan Town, Rupayan Lake Castle is one of the big projects.

What are your organization’s safety initiatives for the workers in this pandemic? Is there any health insurance available to cover their health expenses? 

Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd has taken necessary steps concerning omicron. From providing hand sanitization to keeping oneself safe, adequate briefings are given. Moreover, a great initiative was taken by Rupayan for the workers to provide them with support like health insurance and other facilities. 

How has Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd ensured efficiency, productivity in the workplace, and customer service?

Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd always empowers employers. For their professional improvement, Rupayan makes seminars, time-to-time briefs, and motivations for better output. In addition, training sessions are done to improve their skills. 

Please say something to the readers!

In this pandemic, we should be aware of our health. Secondly, we should take precautions and necessary steps. Thirdly, we should follow health restrictions. And lastly, we should be more careful about our family and give them much time. Lastly, if you are thinking of buying an apartment, please visit the projects built by Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd and make your dream come true.

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