Home Interview Future Corporate Leader: Tariqul Islam

Future Corporate Leader: Tariqul Islam

Future Corporate Leader: Tariqul Islam

Tariqul Islam
Project Manager
Acme AI

Mr. Tariqul Islam is a seasoned Project Manager at Acme AI. With a wealth of experience and a passion for innovation, Mr. Tariqul leads the charge in driving forward cutting-edge AI projects that are reshaping industries. His dedication to excellence and strategic vision make him an invaluable asset to the Acme AI team, propelling them toward new heights in artificial intelligence. He is a visionary leader who combines technical expertise with exceptional organizational skills. His dedication to innovation and commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions make him an invaluable asset to the Acme AI team.

Let’s learn about his journey.

The InCAP: Mr. Tariqul Islam, please share your professional and academic peregrination for our readers!

Mr. Tariqul Islam: I have confirmed my B.Sc. in Computer Science from Bangladesh University of Business & Technology back in 2021. My secondary and higher secondary schools were Jannat Academy School and Vashantek Govt. College.

My professional journey started back in 2021 during the pandemic at osutpotro.com as their Jr. Inventory Executive. I have worked there for six months. Then I joined Acme AI in the 2nd month of 2022 as their Production Executive and got promoted respectively to Project Leader, Team Leader and Project Manager within 1.5 years.

Can you briefly describe your experience in managing AI projects and your role at Acme AI?

Certainly, I actually manage projects that are related to AI like data annotation(image, video, text, audio etc.) that help to develop AI models to reduce human effort effectively and efficiently. While dealing with these projects, I always found these are pretty case sensitive and subjective due to the human perception and understanding issues but definitely a fun to deal with such kinds of issues.

The role defines conducting communication from the beginning of a project till the completion of the project with the client. Projects are run as per the SOPs, SOWs and instructions given by the client. Effective communication, solving any project related confusions, resource allocation, cost-profit analysis, allocating projects among the teams as per requirement of the projects under consideration of team’s calibre, monitoring internal ERP system are the core parts of my role here. This is tough when you work with different human minds and control them but can achieve and learn a lot as humans are the best teachers.

What key methodologies or frameworks do you use to ensure the successful delivery of AI projects?

The Iterative method is adopted at our company due to frequent changes of requirements on the client end. In AI projects, there are so many edge cases seen due to the AI model’s improvement where one phase or stage is needed to execute multiple times based on the updated requirements. The beauty of an AI project is the more you execute phases multiple times the more it’s tuned finely in the machine and provides more accurate output.

Mr. Tariqul, Can you share your approach to risk management and mitigation in AI project management?

AI projects are pretty complex and unpredictable while it’s the talk of risks. However, most vital risks are considered here are the availability of quality resources, understanding of the project, poor data quality, technical issues(platform problems where data is produced) of the project. These risks are taken into account and mitigation plan are built against these risk factors as follows:

a. Keeping prepared quality resources in aspect of the project requirements

b. Qualified resources for the project to be onboarded in the development cycle

c. Keeping prepared resources to deliver high-quality data like multiple QC layers

d. Platform issues like not saving tasks, and platform lagging to be communicated with the customer promptly.

How do you stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in artificial intelligence and apply them to your projects?

In this era of the internet it is obvious to get informed about any technology, advanced tools, trends and any advancements in AI through websites, online news portals, vlogs, posts of giant tech companies etc. Some popular ones are AI News, AI Trends and research journals like IEEE Xplore, Springer etc.

Knowing those advanced tools and technologies the team is informed and discusses the updates and practises them on the projects available and applicable of.

What strategies do you use to ensure that AI projects are delivered on time and within budget while maintaining quality?

I believe managing AI projects to ensure they are delivered on time, within budget, and with high quality is crucial for their success. Here are some strategies and best practices that are followed at Acme AI to achieve these goals:

  1. Defining project objectives, scope, and deliverables with deadlines clearly
  2. Maintaining a clear and evolving understanding of project requirements
  3. Potential risks identification risk mitigation plan to address identified risks
  4. Allocation of required resources like human, software, hardware, continuous internet
  5. Ensuring that team members have the necessary skills and training for the project
  6. Iterative development methodologies for flexibility and feedback-based work
  7. Keeping backup plans for any kind of unforeseen incidents
  8. Ensuring quality is assured religiously by the QAs and delivery on time

Acme AI adopts the “Customer gets quality and Acme AI doesn’t lose project” concept which is the ultimate key to the continual success of the company.

Mr. Tariqul Islam, please say something to the readers!

The quest for information, growth, and personal development is more crucial than ever in this quickly shifting world. Accept curiosity and never stop inquiring. Investigate alternative viewpoints, question your presumptions, and don’t be hesitant to explore unfamiliar territory. Never undervalue the impact of taking slow, steady progress toward your goals. Even the smallest amount of progress gets you closer to your goals. Be patient and nice to yourself while you travel on your own.

Keep in mind that you’re not walking this route alone. Seek assistance, make friends, and impart your wisdom and experiences. We can all benefit from a better and more informed future if we work together.

Quick Chat With Tariqul Islam

The most outstanding achievement of your life as of now:

Self-discovery and successful journey at Acme AI from an entry-level asset to a managerial asset thus now.

Your Icon:

My superstar two sisters. The reason where I am today is because of their effort behind me more than my parents ever put.

Name the most influential books you have read:

Darren Hardy’s “Compound Effect” and “You Can Win” by Shiv Khera.

Your greatest fear:

Dying without evolving my potential to the world.

Best piece of advice you’ve received:

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Fred Devito

Beat yourself, to beat the rest.

You in only three words:

Adaptive, Self-driven, Dreamer

Skill Set

Hard Skills: Presentation skills, Team and resource management, Project management,

Soft Skills: Multi-tasking, Leadership, Cooperation, Communication, Problem-solving

Prayer For The Human Civilization: Let wisdom inform our choices, unity fortify our ties and compassion direct our actions, help others always.

The InCAP: Thank you, Mr. Tariqul Islam! It’s a glittering conversation with you!

Mr. Tariqul Islam: My pleasure! Wish you all the best! Thank you.

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