Home Business Insider GP Successfully Completed 5G Trial in Bangladesh

GP Successfully Completed 5G Trial in Bangladesh

GP Successfully Completed 5G Trial in Bangladesh
Photo Courtesy: Dhaka Tribune

Grameenphone has declared the trial run for the 5G network with some use cases on July 26, 2022, in Dhaka and Chittagong, taking the first step to unleash the future of connectivity in Bangladesh. With this achievement, the digital connectivity partner and the tech-service leader of the nation is a route to contributing next to the next smart-Bangladesh ambition. The article is about GP Successfully Completed 5G Trial in Bangladesh.

The breakthrough 5G technology unleashes never-before-seen chances for industrial uses, advancing societies and dramatically enhancing regular experiences to build a brighter, safer, and more sustainable future. GP CEO Yasir Azman and GP Management experienced the trial at the innovation lab of GPHouse. The innovation lab is formed to test and share 5G use cases. In addition, the company aims to trial 5G in the rest of the other divisional cities very soon. 

“We are trialing for 5G connectivity and use cases to unleash the potential of 4IR in pursuit of a Smart-Bangladesh. We thank the government, regulator, network partners, eco-system players, and our teams for making the future of connectivity – 5G a possibility,” GP CEO Yasir Azman said.

“We look forward to greater collaboration and consultation in developing viable use cases and addressing challenges for 5G. Today while our focus remains to strengthen the 4G network across the country and bring in digital services to our customers; we are also committed to building future capabilities, developing a 5G eco-system, and bringing in industrial solutions through Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain and Robotics,” he added. 

He also said, “As a part of Telenor Group, the forerunners in developing use cases for several markets around the globe based on the individual market needs, we will use our knowledge and expertise to innovate solutions that are relevant to the need of our fast progressing digital society and economy in Bangladesh. We believe the youth of Bangladesh will leapfrog and harness the opportunities in the 4IR space through technological solutions.” Grameenphone, in partnership with Huawei and ZTE, is playing the role of a digital enabler, unraveling new possibilities and accelerating the digital revolution in Bangladesh.

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