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Wayfarer, Descend On The Way

Mirza Rakib Hasan Shovon - Wayfarer, Descend On The Way

When I was a teenager and promoted to standard 8 to 9, I had to decide which group I would choose. My father, Honorable Prof. A.K.M. Mahatabuzzaman, was one of the most famous Professors of Physics. As a term of the legacy cue, I wanted to start my journey as a science student. But the hitch was I always wanted to be a Businessman, even at that age when I almost knew nothing regarding the acts and deeds of a formal businessman. Now, I can understand that the root fascination of my desire is actually influenced by and from the tendency to help common people by ignoring geographic boundaries with great Hope.

I’m really grateful to many individuals and organizations who allowed me to get closer to my commitment to being a Businessman, Researcher, and Author as well! They are constantly teaching me, and my attention is also not shallow! While working, I felt that I must acquire enough knowledge for what I wanted to do. Then I tried to qualify myself as a business analyst.

Now I’ve grown up at some age to understand the core responsibilities and duties of a Businessman. I want to share some things that I have learned from my handy but not trivial career journey. Hope reading this writing will help you to decide whether to become a business person or not.

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What Should You Choose As A Career?

I do believe it’s really unnecessary to be desperate to choose a career. It’s also a waste of your time and patience. Sometimes it makes you frustrated. A typical talk in our society is “Do what you want to do”. In my life, I have seen many of my friends and acquaintances are highly frustrated to find the answer- ‘what they genuinely want to do or want to be.’

It’s my suggestion that you don’t think over and over if you truly want to do something. Instead, just start your work, primarily anywhere, and throw out the thought of your Designation. Then, when you begin your journey, the path itself shows the way. Experts said a person could understand the penchant within the first 24 months of the job.

Okay, now jump up your current job and engage perfectly. But don’t forget to keep deep attention to your own interest.

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Don’t Stuck, Don’t Be Afraid To Receive The Change!

In corporate life, there will be some good career opportunities that spin around you. Find out the best opportunity which is related to your interest. Consult with your Mentor. Don’t be afraid to change your career structure.

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When Should You Start Your Own Business?

If you are brave enough to become a business person and decide from your heart, then I suggest you, please assemble your decision with your intelligence. Do Not to be rigid and apply your mind (emotion) to every concern.

Before starting the business, at least you need to know the trading operations properly. Having 3 to 5-year job experience in the specific field is excellent! Discuss with your Mentor, and don’t rush; slow but steady enough!

Believe one thing; everything in nature is easy but not cheap. So let’s stay cling with commitment.

Stay Happy! Stay Blessed!

About The Author

Mirza Rakib Shovon

Managing Director
AristoTex Garments International

Research & Development
International Corporate Association of Professionals (InCAP)

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