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Who Will Be The Next UK Prime Minister?

Who Will Be The Next UK Prime Minister?

The two final candidates in the race to become the UK’s new Prime Minister, Ms. Liz Truss and Mr. Rishi Sunak, have both vowed to expand the government’s controversial Rwanda immigration policy. Former Finance Minister Rishi Sunak declared his plans to tackle illegal immigration, during which he said that the country had lost control of its borders. So, the most common question is Who Will Be The Next UK Prime Minister?

He said, “Every year, thousands and thousands of people come into the UK illegally. Frequently, we don’t know who they are, where they’re from, and why they’re here. They are not bad people. But it creates a mockery of our system, and in the current chaotic free world, there is simply no way for a serious country to run itself.” 

The measures he proposed include a cap set annually by the UK parliament on the number of refugees the nation accepts each year via safe and legal routes, amendable in the face of emergencies, according to the plan published on Mr. Sunak’s campaign website. He also notably committed to getting their partnership with Rwanda off the ground, operating at scale, and pursuing other migration partnerships.

The UK government’s partnership with the East African country has been the subject of fierce criticism since UK Home Secretary Priti Patel announced it in April. The policy will see asylum seekers deemed to have entered the UK illegally sent to Rwanda to have their asylum claims processed.

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