Home Interview Fashion & Profession: Avik Anwar

Fashion & Profession: Avik Anwar

Fashion & Profession: Avik Anwar

Avik Anwar
Managing Director of Car House Imports
Champion of International Motorsport

Perhaps, you have already heard an adage: Life is a race; stay ahead to win it. Winning in life denotes becoming successful in the ways you want to give you immense joy and excitement. And winning in a race track as a professional driver is no exception. But, of course, success doesn’t come overnight; instead, it takes a lot of sweat and tears, predominantly when you are hailing from a country where there is no specific practice ground. So, while you are hovering over the overall situation, we are introducing Avik Anwar- The first local and international Motorsports winner from Bangladesh. Here is an exclusive interview with Mr. Avik Anwar. 

Fashion & Profession: Avik Anwar

The InCAP: Heartiest congratulations for your incredible success. It is a proud moment for Bangladesh, and you indeed created a history. So, how do you feel regarding your first place becoming Champion of International Motorsport?

Avik Anwar: This has been a long time coming. My dream was to be an international champion for my nation ever since I started racing in the international arena. To finally achieve this dream and prove to the world that a Bangladeshi can do anything, they set out their heart in a field with no training ground and no infrastructure. We are dreamers, and we are achievers!

What’s your most memorable moment of the NGK UAE Procar Championship event?

The most memorable moment from this entire championship is that my national anthem was played at the podium ceremony at Yas Marina Formula 1 Circuit. In my childhood, I grew up watching Formula 1, and everytime on the podium ceremony, the winning driver’s national anthem was played; ever since then, it has been my dream to win races and have Bangladesh’s national anthem played out!

What actually motivates you to car racing?

There are many motivating factors when it comes to car racing. First and foremost to represent my country well in all corners of the world through motor racing. Secondly, to create a path for future racing drivers from my country by achieving the unachievable and being the first Bangladeshi to do so. Last but not the least to be recognized by our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for all my valiant efforts for our nation.

We are attentive to knowing your career history. Also, tell about the journey of becoming a racer from a country like Bangladesh.

This path is long and difficult. Racing is such a sport that money is necessary; a famous proverb states, ‘You go into racing as a billionaire but come out as a millionaire.’ I face numerous challenges, the primary being sponsors. Even though I have the most awards and records from Bangladesh, I still struggle to find sponsors to cover the cost of my racing, let alone make a living from it. In addition, we do not have the facilities to practice car racing like other sports, so we have to do it virtually via a simulator.

What’s your favorite car and why?

My favorite vehicle is the Mclaren P1. Firstly it’s fast and powerful; secondly, it’s a wild beast that is hard to drive, but if driven well, it is super-fast. Last but not least, it’s called the widow maker!

Any tips for those who want to be car racers? What techniques should they follow?

They should start by buying a simulator that doesn’t cost more than 75,000 BDT. Then, practice and participate in online tournaments; eventually, foreign sponsors will find a way to get them into a real-life racing seat if they have the speed in them.

Childhood Dream:

I dreamt to be a Race Car Driver or an Astronaut.

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