Home Business Insider Gunman Killed 19 Children in Texas School Rampage

Gunman Killed 19 Children in Texas School Rampage

Gunman Killed 19 Children in Texas School Rampage
Photo Courtesy: JSR website

The Texas Governor confirmed that an 18-year-old gunman opened fire with a gun and AR-15 rifle at a Texas elementary school, killing at least 19 children as he moved from classroom to classroom, the bloodiest school shooting in nearly a decade, and the latest awful moment for a country traumatized by a run of atrocities. Law enforcement shot and killed the assailant. However, two teachers were also killed by the gunman, according to officials. The article contains Gunman Killed 19 Children in Texas School Rampage.

The Gunman

Families were still waiting for information about their children hours after the incident. Screams and crying interrupted the calm outside the local civic center, where families were ordered to wait for news of their loved ones. As the sun fell, Adolfo Cruz, a 69-year-old air conditioner repairman, waited for word on his 10-year-old great-granddaughter, Elijah Cruz Torres. Finally, after receiving a frightening call from his daughter, he drove to the scene. Other relatives, he claimed, were at the hospital and municipal center. He stated that waiting was the most challenging part of his life.

The incident happened ten days after a fatal, racist rampage at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket, which contributed to a yearlong string of mass murders at churches, schools, and supermarkets. And the prospects for any reform of the country’s gun laws appeared as bleak, if not bleaker, as they had been in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre.

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