Home Business Insider Iran President Demanded US Guarantees on Nuclear Deal

Iran President Demanded US Guarantees on Nuclear Deal

Iran President Demanded US Guarantees on Nuclear Deal
Photo Collected From: 24 News HD

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi instructed US guarantees it will not withdraw from a nuclear deal if it is revived ahead of his debut trip to the United Nations. However, with Western yearnings fading to restore the landmark 2015 agreement with world powers, the hardline cleric expressed that he would still back a fair deal. The article is about Iran President Demanded US Guarantees on Nuclear Deal.

But he said, “It needs to be lasting. They need to be guaranteed. We cannot trust Americans due to the behavior that we have already seen from them. Hence, if there is no guarantee, there is no trust.” So former president Barack Obama negotiated the agreement under which Iran drastically scaled back nuclear work for commitments of sanctions relief.

Three years later, Donald Trump pulled out and reimposed sweeping sanctions. US President Joe Biden sustains a return, but Iran’s call for guarantees has become a sticking point, with the Democratic administration conveying it is not possible in the US system to say what a future president would do. But Mr. Raisi said Trump’s pullout indicated that US commitments are meaningless.

The parties to the 2015 deal, including, Britain, China, France, Germany, and Russia saw it as the great way to stop the Islamic republic from building a nuclear bomb, a goal Tehran has always denied. In 2021, Raisi succeeded Hassan Rouhani, a relative moderate who spoke to Mr. Obama over the phone while visiting New York for the United Nations.

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell informed that negotiations to bring Iran back in the deal are stalemated after proposals from the parties were converging. In early August, a senior European Union Official had informed progress was being made on challenges, including guarantees the US would not scupper a deal.

Mr. Borrell demonstrated the agreement’s final text. However, a report from the UN’s nuclear watchdog earlier this month that it could not certify Iran’s nuclear program as exclusively peaceful has complicated diplomatic efforts to revive the deal. Iran is sticking to the demand that, to restore the 2015 deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency must conclude a probe founded when the agency found traces of nuclear material at three undeclared sites.

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