Home Business Insider US Imposed Sanctions on Russia

US Imposed Sanctions on Russia

US Imposed Sanctions on Russia
Photo: Collected

The United States has imposed new sanctions on three Russian television stations and executives at Gazprom Bank. The sanctions were imposed on May 8, 2022. in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war. At the same time, the United States has banned banking services for Russian citizens. The White House says the Russian television stations are under government control. The article is about US Imposed Sanctions on Russia.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, western countries started imposing sanctions on Russia. The United States has said no sanctions were imposed on Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, the United States recently decided to impose such sanctions during a virtual meeting of G7 leaders with US President Joe Biden. This is the first time the United States has imposed sanctions on Gazprom Bank executives. Europe is Russia’s main gas importer. The United States and its allies have repeatedly sought to avoid sanctions, fearing that gas supplies could be disrupted.

A senior Biden administration official said, “We are not imposing a complete ban. I am not confiscating the assets of Gazprom Bank or prohibiting any transaction. However, I am signaling that Gazprom Bank is not a 100% haven. So we are imposing sanctions on some of the organization’s top executives.” This time the bank owns one-third of the assets of the Russian banking sector. Eight executives of that bank have also been added to the sanctions list. In addition, Moscow Industrial Bank and its ten subsidiaries have been banned.

Promotechnology, an arms company, and seven shipping companies have also been banned. In addition, the White House says the Nuclear Control Commission will also suspend Russia’s license to export unique nuclear products.

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