Home Business Insider J&J Baby Powder To Quit Selling Globally in 2023

J&J Baby Powder To Quit Selling Globally in 2023

J&J Baby Powder To Quit Selling Globally in 2023
Photo Courtesy: Hindusthan Times

Johnson & Johnson will halt selling talc-based baby powder globally in 2023, the produce department confirmed, more than two years after it completed US sales of a product that drew thousands of consumer safety lawsuits. It said, “As part of a world’s portfolio assessment, we have created the commercial decision to transition to an all cornstarch-based baby powder portfolio.” It further said that cornstarch-based baby powder is already sold in countries around the world. The article contains J&J Baby Powder To Quit Selling Globally in 2023.

In 2020, J&J disclosed that it would quit selling its talc Baby Powder in the United States and Canada as demand had fallen in the wake of misinformation regarding the product’s safety amid a barrage of legal challenges. It faces about 38,000 lawsuits from consumers and survivors claiming its talc products resulted from cancer due to contamination with asbestos, named carcinogen.

However, J&J denies the allegations, saying decades of scientific testing and regulatory approvals have shown its talc to be safe and asbestos-free. It reiterated the statement as it declared the discontinuation of the product. J&J spun off subsidiary LTL Management in October, assigned its talc claims to it, and instantly placed it into bankruptcy, pausing the pending lawsuits. Those suing have said Johnson & Johnson should have to defend itself against the lawsuits, while defendants of J&J and the bankrupt subsidiary process state it is an equitable way to compensate claimants.

However, before the bankruptcy filing, the firm encountered expenses from $3.5 billion in verdicts and settlements, including one in which 22 women won a judgment of more than $2 billion, according to bankruptcy court records. In addition, a shareholder proposal to end global sales of the talc baby powder failed in April. The research discovered that J&J knew for decades that asbestos, a carcinogen, was included in its talc products. Internal company records, trial testimony, and rest evidence demonstrated that from 1971 to the early 2000s, J&J’s raw talc and finished powders tested positive for small amounts of asbestos.

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