Home Business Insider U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Resigned

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Resigned

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Resigned
Photo Courtesy: CNBC

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned on July 7, 2022, bringing an acrimonious end to a nearly three-year premiership beset by controversy and scandal. Speaking outside Downing Street, Mr. Johnson told the process for choosing the new leader of the Conservative Party should start now, with a timetable to be announced next week. However, he added he aims to remain in place until a new Tory leader is elected. The article contains U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Resigned.

His decision to remain in office arrives despite an evident lack of support from within his party and a growing push around the political spectrum to step down urgently for him. Mr. Johnson claimed he was unhappy to be giving up the best job in the globe but conceded that no one is remotely indispensable in politics. Referring to members of his ruling party who turned against him, Mr. Johnson said, “At Westminster, the herd instinct is powerful, and when the herd moves, it moves.”

Johnson thanked his wife, Carrie Johnson, his children, the National Health Service, armed forces, and Downing Street staff. He said, “Above all, I want to thank the British public for the immense privilege you have given me.” He concluded his roughly six-minute speech by seeking to strike an upbeat tone. “Even if things can sometimes seem dark now, our future together is golden,” he stated.

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