Home Business Insider Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan

Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan

Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan
Photo Courtesy: The Guardian

Rescuers fought against the clock, under pouring rain to pull survivors from the rubble after a massive earthquake struck a mountainous border region of Afghanistan on June 22, 2022, killing at least 1,000 people. The 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck hardest in the rugged east, where people already lead hardscrabble lives amid a humanitarian crisis made worse since the Taliban takeover in August. The article is about Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan.

In this tragic incident, more than 1,500 people were injured, many critically. People are still trapped under the rubble. Nearly 2,000 homes are likely destroyed. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres confirmed that the global agency has fully mobilized to help, deploying health units and supplies of medicine, food, trauma kits, and emergency shelter to the quake zone.

It is to mention that the earthquake-struck areas were already suffering the effects of heavy rainfall, causing rockfalls and mudslides that shackled rescue efforts. A victim said, “Our country is poor and lacks resources. “This is a humanitarian crisis. It is like a tsunami.”

The disaster poses a massive challenge for the Taliban, who have isolated mainly the country with their strict Islamist policies, particularly the control of female gender. Even before the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan’s urgent response teams were stretched to cope with the natural disasters that frequently strike the country.

A senior Taliban official, Mr. Anas Haqqani, tweeted, “The government is working within its capabilities. We hope that the International Community & aid agencies will also help our people in this dire situation.”

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