Home Editorial Editor’s Lens: The Financial Architect

Editor’s Lens: The Financial Architect


The whole world has suddenly changed. A miniature invisible virus has stopped billions of people around the world. For sure, no one can say when the last time everyone stopped together like this way. Such a devastating collapse of the world economy is rare in the history of the human race. In this turbulent situation; we all are facing the same struggle, which is the fight for survival.

The effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic affect the publication of your beloved magazine The InCAP, the print version of this magazine came to a standstill. But nothing can stop us; in our web version, we have tried to be consistently aloud, and we are successful. Now the print version is in your hand. It’s all become possible because of your love and support.

This is the time when the world is slowly moving, and The InCAP has arrayed this issue with a detailed analysis of the trade and economic condition of Bangladesh and the world as well. In this issue, we have highlighted the financial analysis of Bangladesh’s prominent economist, Dr. Jamaluddin Ahmed, FCA. He is the General Secretary of Bangladesh Economic Association and former Chairman of Janata Bank Limited. In this context, leading corporate leaders have also expressed their worthy perspectives.

We will survive by strengthening our body immunity system, and obviously, we will win against this invisible adversary. This world will breathe again, normally. Our economy will survive and will come back much more substantial than before.

Stay healthy, happy, and safe.

[icon name=”paint-brush” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Nasrin Nahar Jeneva




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